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Looking for other server admins to ask a few questions.

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I have a few questions reguarding hosting a server. I have recently started playing Dayz and I have noticed everywhere I go there seems to be hackers. I enjoy the game a lot and want to play online with my friends, I am willing to pay to rent a server. I want to be able to level the playing field and make the game more enjoyable for the people in my private hive community.

I am mainly curious about the abilities of the admin. I am currently looking at Dayz.st but they are out of available slots so I am now looking at verthosting as well survivalservers. I am not familiar with any type of server hosting so the TCAdmin looks highly confusing at first glance, this too makes the Dayz.st control panel very appealing because it seems to be a little more simple. I would like to ask a few people who do currently host servers with TCAdmin, what type of capabilities do you have using this program? I am not really interested in exploiting other players by being this ultimate bandit but rather setup camp sites with item spawns there that I put there intentionally so they can find a lot of nice gear at once. I would like to make the progression a little bit faster on my server by being able to spawn items and vehicles at any given time.

I am also wondering what type of control do I have over kicking hackers? Sorry about the wall of text but this is all new to me and I just want to cover all my bases before I spend any money. I know I will most likely get flamed for even mentioning item/vehicle spawn but these are features included when purchasing a server, so please avoid those types of comments.

Edited by hydrochetta
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It's great to see someone asking questions BEFORE jumping in, however; I don't think acquiring gear very quickly is fun. I always though the fun part of this game was rising up to the top and hunting for the good stuff while staying alive.

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I run a public server and the hacking is insane. I do my best to keep on top of it and be active but its a demanding job, I catch on average a dozen a day in the logs and report them in the community banlist. Being a DayZ server admin pretty much means you have little power and face an avalanche of asshats trying to eff over the dayz community that doesn't hack. It has been very frustrating and makes me wonder at times why I even bother. Still .. I try to make a nice place for people that wish to play but prevention.. all you can do is add people caught on other servers and hope BI studio does something to change this. Otherwise you just spend your time catching after the fact and feeling bad for all the people that get effed over by players that only care about themselves and running their scripts.

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The more hackers you ban the more you get its bs when thy can buy keys for $1 each. The only way i have been able to get hackers is to hire a hacker. Even if you whitelist your server you will get hackers. There is no way around the prob. I am at wits end with hosting my servers last week alone i ban 143 hackers from my servers what a joke.

DayZ.st are good hosters offers some nice tools the only thing thy do not offer is ftp and a good anti hack program but thy have said thy will be offering these services soon.

If i was you just keep playing on other servers and w8 for the standalone unless you want to spend a min of 5 hurs a day doing admin crap :Z

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Dude I hear you. I spend an average of 5 hours a night dealing with an endless stream of hackers. Last night I spent from 6pm to 2am dealing with hackers, I am not kidding when at least once every 30 minutes I saw a guy I had banned before show up with same IP and name and new GUID. I couldn't leave Rcon because these guys get in and then do the same shit I caught them doing before. The ONE time one manages to get through I catch him 6 minutes into running a script. By then he had teleported to a helicopter, gotten god mode and infinite ammo, was flying and shooting everyone with his friends, then manages to throw everyone up in the air to kill them and sends a barrages of explosions into electro. I try to bring down server to keep everyone from dying and still some guy is mad at me because I AM NOT STOPPING the hackers.. ffs what are we supposed to do?? I can be on there 24/7 monitoring every log and I still can't stop them all. :( I am getting a bit burned out cause it seems we report and report but nothing ever seems to changes.

It is beyond ridiculous and really an unrealistic burden admins are being put under. The gate keeping should be the burden of the devs and battleeye and its failing. The scripts help.. but its like a finger in the dyke. The community is what we make it.. but what the hell can we make when we are spending all our time basically under a constant barrage of hack attacks and forced to do manual log search most the time.

The more hackers you ban the more you get its bs when thy can buy keys for $1 each. The only way i have been able to get hackers is to hire a hacker. Even if you whitelist your server you will get hackers. There is no way around the prob. I am at wits end with hosting my servers last week alone i ban 143 hackers from my servers what a joke.

DayZ.st are good hosters offers some nice tools the only thing thy do not offer is ftp and a good anti hack program but thy have said thy will be offering these services soon.

If i was you just keep playing on other servers and w8 for the standalone unless you want to spend a min of 5 hurs a day doing admin crap :Z

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I'm doing away with my server, it's brutal. I'm a unix admin in real life and I don't need a second job. i'm not even playing anymore, dayz for me is sifting through log files and endlessly banning script kiddies (sorry .. Hacker has meaning to me and these morons are not hackers).

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Dont use survivalservers.

Dayz.st if you want a fun, easy to manage public server

hfb is more customizeable with FTP access.

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Dont use survivalservers.

Dayz.st if you want a fun, easy to manage public server

hfb is more customizeable with FTP access.

survivalservers = bad time

HFB = you want to go kill the fuckers that run it.

Dayz.st = Good hosting with little down time but the only thing is NO anti hack tools. But then this brings us back to hackers there bypass is just to good everything thy do will not show up in you logs only porting but then to find that when you have 48 people on your server is just like getting a goat to not bite. So what i am saying is anyone that is looking at renting a server do not do it unless you have no job and want to hunt down hacker all the time. I have 10 admins and so that means some one is on watching 24/7 and stall hacker every 30mins there is just nothing you can do. I know the server hosters cant do anything about the hackers only arma can but thy have been trying to stop hackers sin 2009. You can whitelist / password you server that will stop some hackers but thy will stall come in just to fuck with you. At the end of the day just stop playing till the standalone comes out thats what im going to do because my brain is just fried over doing rollbacks over looking at a map w8ing for some one to port on an av day i will ban a min of 20 people a busy day 50+. Well thats my cry for the day i say you will see me having another cry about this :Z

If you need any help with you server then hit me up.

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This might sound stupid and a bit delayed but i Found that whilst i was on the server and logged as admin, a majority of major hacks never happened probably because they could see someone was on that could do something about it, I've been testing it for a while, even whilst away from the house if i stay logged on the complaints of hackers dropped insanely. If you have one just give it a try:)

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Hey mate, glad to see you're doing due diligence before diving into running a server on your own. Far too many people try to do it, then realize it's more work than play--and let the server die off. Or worse yet, go admin crazy and ban people with insufficient reasoning.

If you'd like, you could jump into my server (info in my sig) and check out vanilla DayZ. I've done extensive work to keep the cheating to a minimum, and most players report that my server runs great for them with fewer cheaters than normal. Of course, saying this means nothing--you're welcome to see for yourself.

I host with HFB servers. They have quality hardware on a self-proclaimed "DDoS Proof Network" that seems to run nicely. I have had good experiences with customer support, and I would recommend them as a host for sure. I believe there is a 24-48 hour setup period, so when you sign up for your server expect to wait a tic--but it's worth it. The TCadmin panel can be a bit daunting if you're not familiar with game server admin, but it's really not too tough to learn, and there's plenty of us out here (myself included) who are available to help. Do you use IRC at all? There's a #DayZ channel in the gamesurge network that dozens of us rot away in all day.

Feel free to PM me if you have more questions about server admin, I'd be happy to help.

Cheers, hope to see you out there soon!


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