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DayZ Namalsk Group WaB [We Are Bandits] [OPEN RECRUITING] [Private Hive]

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Hello fellow Namalsk players I'm a experienced player I having been player namalsk for awhile now and have decided I should start i clan. Anyone of any skill level may join to clan!

Age restrictions: 13+. (Im 14)

Time zone restrictions: None (I live in U.S.)

Teamspeak: soon

We are not only bandits we are only bandits to people that gave decent gear.... But sometimes we will help people.

The server i play on is a Private Hive do you will not beable to keep your gear, but you do start out with some gear!

At the moment i have 3 prople in the clan so if you would like to join our DayZ community just contact me by my skype.

You will have to fill out a simple form but all it will be is

In game name:

First Name:

Date of birth:

Time played Dayz:


And maybe some other simple questions!

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Well are you saying you can't skype because you have no mic? But just message my steam which is also corpe4!

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In game name: John

First Name: Jonathan

Date of birth: 29/10/98

Time played Dayz: John

Mic? Yes

send me a pm if instrested.

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IGN: Todd

First Name: Todd

Date of Birth: 12/1/1998 (MM/DD/YYYY)

Time played dayz: ?

Mic: Yes!

Hey if were using skype my name is MinecraftTodd also im 14 and ive been playing namalsk for a long time now.

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In game name: Mathpete

First Name: Peter Grasso

Date of birth: 10/30/1997 age 15

Time played Dayz: I have played Dayz for about 6 months on lingor and Cherno with mulitple groups all fun

Mic? Yes to mike and Teamspeak

some other things about me. Im a good pilot and decent sniper

Skype name: Mathpete1

Edited by mathpete

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In game name: Pepa Pig

First Name: Joe

Date of birth: 18/07/98 - im 14

Time played Dayz: about 6 months

Mic? yes add me on skype snaggle18

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In game name: AsianNinjaVN

First Name: Mark

Date of birth: 12/19/1998

Time played Dayz: 1 Year

Mic? Yes

Skype Name: martin.doan12

add me on Skype and pm me on forums

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