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Dayz Private Hive - 100% no hacks

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Hey guys,

We are hosting a P-Hive Server, our goal is a 100% hackfree server.

How we want to accomplish this goal:

The Server is password protected, everyone who wants to join has to visit our Teamspeak:

You have to speak English, German or Russian (otherwise we cant understand you...)

You dont have to visit our Teamspeak to play its just to get the Password.

Once You enter the password your id will be saved in the serverlogs. This way we prevent people who are not allowed to join (if they get a password somehow).

Your welcome to join our server :)

Bloody Phalanx,

Hallo Leute,

Wir hosten einen Privaten Hive server, unser Ziel ist es einen 100% hackfreien Server zu haben.

Wie wir es erreichen wollen:

Der Server ist Passwort beschützt, jeder der joinen will muss auf unseren Teamspeak kommen um das Passwort zu erhalten:

Sobald du dem server beitritst erhälst du eine einmalige ID, mit dieser kontrollieren wir ob jemand das Passwort weitergibt.

So joinen nur Leute die 100% nicht hacken.

Man muss nur auf den Teamspeak kommen um das Passwort zu holen. Danach müsst ihr teorethisch nicht mehr drauf.

Bloody Phalanx,

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And what exactly prevents hacker from joining the ts then get the password and an id? - No offense just asking...

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And what exactly prevents hacker from joining the ts then get the password and an id? - No offense just asking...

We will give keys only to people who sound legit...

Off course someone might slip through, but he will be banned from the server immediately by a admin if he isnt allready banned by one of our Anti Cheat programms.

And be assured his key will be banned aswell.

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Sound legit? okay thanks for the information. Basicly i got no idea how a hacker sounds ^^

Wish you guys luck for it :)

Edited by Paddy0610

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Sound legit? okay thanks for the information. Basicly i got no idea how a hacker sounds ^^

Wish you guys luck for it :)


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No dayz is 100% hacker free you will find a hacker will do what you said just to get on your server to hack you.

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No dayz is 100% hacker free you will find a hacker will do what you said just to get on your server to hack you.

i know but its more "hacker free" as official hive servers. ;)

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