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Very Ape


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This has probably already been suggested. If so, I couldn't find it with the "search" function.

I find side-chat makes you feel less isolated. I avoid all servers that have side-chat-- it kills the game for me. Players can instantly warn everyone of an enemy position, which doesn't seem very authentic. I would much prefer the thrill of monitoring your hard-earned radio, in the desperate hopes of hearing something. Anything.

How about giving admins the option to disable side-chat and incorporate radios, which can be used to communicate with other players on the server who've been lucky enough to find one. To simplify things, I would suggest a channel all radios are set to by default, with the option to switch channels to communicate with friends. Limit the amount of channels, so monitoring radios and eavesdropping is easy! But that's just my two cents. :P

Players could turn their radio on and off.

If I want to monitor the radio, great. Keep it on. If I don't like hearing the chatter, or even the flooding, then I'll turn it off.

In my mind, the radio is something difficult to acquire, but not impossible. This will weed out some of the players who aren't at least semi-serious when playing the game, and would only flood the channel.

Worst case scenario, implement a "mute function" for certain players broadcasting.

Or better, allow for radio-tracking. :P

Edited by Very Ape
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make it like in the ACRE mod, so that you are able to find different types of radios.

also make that you can receive more, than you can transmit ..

meaning you can hear the guy talking through his mega radio installed on his HMMWV, but you can't effectively respond.

another idea:

don't make the range of them radios a perfect circle, but let it be influenced by your terrain, like when you are ontop of a hill you can transmit further, and if you are in the valley of shadow of death you are pretty much lalaed if it is your goal to radio someone.

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Already been mentioned many, many times. Also has already been stated by the dev team that this will in fact be implemented (or something very similar to it).

Edited by Rammfisch
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I like side chat, there are servers who have it off, go play there.

When radios are added I hope the sound can be picked up by others and Zeds around the users, this will limit players on using them in certain situations like in towns. How many will want to give their positions away while using a radio in town. Even more so, if your in town doing the rounds and your friends contact you, giving your position away because you forgot to turn your radio off!

Radios require radio masts to be powered unless they are just Walkie Talkies, how are you going to implement the power requirements? Rockets has mentioned batteries but what about mast power? it will need a lot more than 4 AAA batteries to power a tower.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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Already been mentioned many, many times. Also has already been stated by the dev team that this will in fact be implemented (or something very similar to it).

Well that's certainly good to know, thank you!

It's good to have knowledgeable fans who don't only read the development blog like myself.

Edited by Very Ape
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In addition to this can I have speakers on my helicopters to yell at players on the ground? How else would I tell players without a radio that imminent death/rescue is at hand?

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In addition to this can I have speakers on my helicopters to yell at players on the ground? How else would I tell players without a radio that imminent death/rescue is at hand?

That's a damn good idea!

You should make your own topic, so this suggestion doesn't go unheard. It could be greatly expanded on too. :P

Edited by Very Ape

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Radios should be added but have a Frequency thing and unless off create the sound near you and if extremely close the classic damaged Radio Static (These cant be perfect) We could make it so the are different Sizes like a Larger one has Larger range without Radio Tower (Cherno to Prig or backpack replacement being Electro) and with a tower the Large ones gain a huge boost so say Green mountain's Broadcast Radius is the Entire map across all Frequencies when used but if you use a Radio near it instead you get a huge range which is also sounded through radio tower Stations across the map which could merely be buildings with Radio Towers next to them in the forest areas and like Fire stations stock small ones so maybe just about the size of half of Cherno but that gives distortion (Gets progressivly quieter and static slightly Overrides as you get further away) and Military Spawns have a low chance to stock Large ones but people like me would wait for ages stock up on charges with a mate then rig a building to blow and attract a guy inside while watching him soon as he sees the radio *ka-boom*

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For me, radios should be implemented for the atmosphere they provide, so it's not so much about communicating but scaring the hell out of you, giving you a faint glimmer of hope, etc.

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