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Players bodies turn into zombies after death.

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I thought it would be good if your dead body reanimated as an AI zombie after a while lying there. Only if you had been hit by a zombie previously at any time before your death though, but not if you have died with a headshot. It would be cool dying, then going back to try see if you could salvage any of your old loot and witnessing your old characters body come back from the dead! Or it would add more tension to the game because if you had to kill someone in a gunfight you would have no idea if they were going to come back, so you'd be extra cautious when approaching their body. Or if one of your team mates died in a zombie attack or gunfight you'd be trying to take control of the situation while keeping an eye on their body just incase!

Just a thought! What do you guys think?

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Good idea in theory. But it would be too hard to manage on the server and I don't believe the engine is capable of doing it.

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I thought it would be good if your dead body reanimated as an AI zombie after a while lying there. Only if you had been hit by a zombie previously at any time before your death though' date=' but not if you have died with a headshot. It would be cool dying, then going back to try see if you could salvage any of your old loot and witnessing your old characters body come back from the dead! Or it would add more tension to the game because if you had to kill someone in a gunfight you would have no idea if they were going to come back, so you'd be extra cautious when approaching their body. Or if one of your team mates died in a zombie attack or gunfight you'd be trying to take control of the situation while keeping an eye on their body just incase!

Just a thought! What do you guys think?


I would say that this would be good if the player got to control the zombie and could gather a set number of NPC zombies around him to follow him around to attack other players. Essentially allowing the player to take the role of a zombie and add a stronger level to the zombie threat. Only down fall to this is you would have players exploiting it by dying and drawing zombies away from loot locations to allow for their friend to loot without any risk from zombies. I'm sure that could be fixxed with some clever coding however.

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I actually think this would be an excellent idea for one reason:

Players cant run back to their corpse to loot it because it has reanimated and wandered off XD

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The zombies arent dead. They are just infected.

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