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Superpug - Lingor, Private Hive, Max Vehicle, Active Admin, Events.

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Hey All,

Posting our Server info. We are looking to grow a fun and active community that spreads to Dayz Standalone+

Our Server has friendly, anti-power abusing admins. We are active and play amongst you. You won't ever know who the admins are but we can assure you that we have no lives.

Simple rules: No cheating of any kind. Have fun.

We have 4 random events planned at the moment, yielding rewards - that include items/ vehicles that live as long as you do.

Come check us out.

DayzLingor - Superpug (VET) CH (Max Vehicles) Active Admins

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I'd like to play lingor again, But i get a 250 ping from the server, Do you have a ping kicker active atm?

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having problems refilling jerry cans at the green fuel tanks (I assume these are the ones you use since they are only ones on map) I have the empty can in my inventory and run around the tank scrolling wheel like I do with normal white tanks but nothing comes up. Is this the server, lingor or just me?

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Hey i love the server but why is it down at the moment? I have been trying to play for the last 3 hours with my friend but it has been down since the server restarted

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Hey JX it's Christian you might remember me, it's up now

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