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Tension (WIP)

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The tension system, mental, physical, you name it. Zombies are scary dude!

Basically put, time spent in "tension" zones (not arbitrary, more like 10m near zombies, or in high stress areas like cities, etc) builds tension. As tension increases, players begin to shake. That's really all. Very high tension could increase aggro distance. This tension would slowly decrease over time, but to make it faster there could be things like sitting at a campfire, laying in cover at a safe distance, or the quick method: Cigarettes/relaxation drugs found in the market and hospital respectively. Very slowly but surely, players can begin to build up an immunity to tension to simulate being used/experienced at how zombies operate. After a couple weeks survival (or some given allotment of time, this is a work in progress people!) they could become hard boiled, or simply be used to the zombies. This progress would restart when a player dies, so it gives a sense of progression to survival while not forcing a style specifically.

Bear in mind that this is a work in progress, but the system shares a close resemblance to Amnesia.

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