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Oliver Riedel

New Chernarus Brothers clan Recruitment

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This is a new clan/group to play in Chernarus and maybe the other maps :) We will act as a partisan group - minimum direct engagements, small groups for mobility and minimum losses. We will concentrate on hunting down bandits and helping out non-aggressive players that need help. If you like these ideas, don't hesitate and join in :) Just write something about yourself, what skills you posses and how can we contact you (steam, skype etc.).


Marksman - Ideally the main assault force. Scouting, Overwatch and support for others. Two guys in one team, so even if you're not perfectly skilled with a sniper rifle, you can still do the spotting and close combat support if you get attacked :)

Transport / Engineering - you will mainly be responsible for driving others to towns, saving their asses and acquiring new vehicles (best if you can fly a helli).

Supplies / Medic - doing supply runs, helping out Engineers etc

Assault team - Direct engagements with players. Best if you're skilled with close combat guns and assault rifles.

(It would be best if you have skype. and live in the united states but we are accepting everyone.)

This does not mean that you will be confined to your position, anybody will be able to just change up what he's doing as long as the skills are there (no point being the engineer if you can't drive properly :D)

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