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AdvanceGamers DayZ Server - refreshed and rejuvenated

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Hi all,

I've come here looking to gather a consistent player base. We are a friendly bunch looking for new survivors, heroes and bandits. There is no whitelist so feel free to jump in and have fun.

IP -

Port - 2522

(for DayZ Commander 'favourites' tab -

Map: Chernarus

Tracers: Off

Nameplates: Off

Crosshairs: Off

Death messages: On (if killed by a player will show; "Player A killed Player B with Weapon X")

Third person: On

GMT: Day 24/7

Restart frequency: Every 6 hours

We are using custom vehicles such as the police car, each of the 4 ural variants (yellow, blue, camo, and blue open top), and many other land vehicles as well as additional aerial vehicles; AN2, AH6 (no weapons) and the Mi17. We have also begun to implement custom buildings/locations throughout the map. As it stands right now we have the following:

- 1x Supermarket in Kamenka

- 1x Firestation in Zelenogorsk

- 2x Barracks in Balota

- 1x Barracks & 2x Military Tents in Green Mountain

- 1x Hospital & 2x Panelax (apartment buildings) in Vybor

- 3x Barracks in North East airfield

- 2x Barracks & 3x Hangars in North West airfield

- Brand new military camp (at 086 052) with 2x Barracks & 1x Medical Tent

We are open to suggestions and will try to only add things of value to the map.

With enough players we will consider using a bounty system where we will occasionally set a bounty on a player's head (you may opt out of this if you wish). Once a bounty has been set the first player to get the kill (as shown in chat & our logs by the kill message) will receive a specified reward; anything from rare items (range finders, gps) to unobtainable weapons (PDW SD, LRR)

If you have any questions feel free to post here, PM me, or visit our forums at advancegamers.org


Edited by Althasil

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