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Helicopter fight / hunt with rMod

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Hey guys,

So last week we recorded a new season of a video-series I am making on my channel. "Das Helikopter Tagebuch" (The helicopter diary).

We had a Huey on a rMod server. We flew through chernarus when suddenly an attack helicopter (which we met 1 hour ago. He attacked us but we could escape) was flying towards us.

I was flying, my buddy was on the gun. Was a lot of fun. Unfortunately we speak german in this video so most of you wont understand but it doesnt matter. The scene is from the beginning to 4:10min

This is what happend:

And this is the trailer I made for the series. (if somebody cares)

Best regards from germany

Edited by Skoomer
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Attack helicopters? I thought you could only have Hueys in DayZ.

Props for the video, a shoot out is always nice to see.

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Attack helicopters? I thought you could only have Hueys in DayZ.

Props for the video, a shoot out is always nice to see.

Like I said it was with rMod. In rMod nearly all vehicles from Arma II and operation arrowhead are enabled. Its really nice but just for private servers. You can download it from here: http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/87391-rmod-for-private-servers/

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that is defiantly a hacked helicopter it looks like ah-64apache

Its rMod.

Like I said it was with rMod. In rMod nearly all vehicles from Arma II and operation arrowhead are enabled. Its really nice but just for private servers. You can download it from here: http://www.tunngle.n...rivate-servers/

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