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Welch (DayZ)

Different types of containers/tents

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As I was running through the woods and looked at a bush thinking it was a tent at first, a thought came to me. What about different sized tents?

I mean, there are some LARGE camping tents out there, and some really small ones. Like the large ones could hold more, taking up less space than multiple tents but still pretty big. Or maybe a small one that holds less but is easier to hide. What y'all think?

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what about setting up a tent inside a barrack during the night, those who have been to finnish sdf conscription kno what i mean :P

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What about setting up a tent inside a tent which you can then set up inside the Barracks?

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What about setting up a tent inside a tent which you can then set up inside the Barracks?


Edited by Welch

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I would love to see a way to have container that can be placed into the ground using a shovel. These would be harder to find by other players but also they can only hide small stashes.

As for Tents,...Hopefully DayZ Standalone will be a game where players don't think,..oh i wish i had 2 more tents to stash all my gear but rather.....have a tent and wonder will i be able to ever fill it since DayZ's world is harsh.

If DayZ standalone has it where lone wold players can have 3 tents full of gear then something is wrong in the game where resources need to be tweaked so there is always this constant pull on the player who can never feel comfortable, they need to look for supplies to keep surviving not have 3 tents of supplies ready so they could sit and live for days without ever moving on the map.

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Suggest aleady.....MANY TIMES. Please use seach function or read a lil bit. *sigh*

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No idea what you're talking about.

Doing what i said is usually followed by muffled "Fap Fap Fap Fap" noises.

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Suggest aleady.....MANY TIMES. Please use seach function or read a lil bit. *sigh*

Oh I'm sorry. Did I make you mad because your post had literally nothing to do with the post? Telling someone that the suggestion has already been made doesn't help the community, nor does it help you look any better. So you, sir, can just leave.

Edited by Welch

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I agree on diffferent sized tents/containers. In the DayZ trailer on this web site there is a camp with a couple dome tents. how come those arent in game. (I am new to the community and maybe they were removed for specific reasons idk).

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I agree on diffferent sized tents/containers. In the DayZ trailer on this web site there is a camp with a couple dome tents. how come those arent in game. (I am new to the community and maybe they were removed for specific reasons idk).

I don't know, either. I never even knew about them until that trailer, which I saw a month or so since playing DayZ.

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im finding that in order to store supplies for myself and a few others we are keeping to many vehicles in the forests, this makes camp easier to spot and takes away vehicles from other players... somehow it would be nice if there was a way to build a small camp with say 1) entrenching tool, 2) cinder blocks, 2) scrap metal (roof), this would allow you to build a small camo structure which could store at least equal to a mtvr/ural vehicle. maybe depending on the number of blocks and scrap you can select build small or medium structure.... just an idea

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