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JimJam (DayZ)

Please allow Axe as second weapon

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Please allow players to have their axe as their second weapon instead of a pistol.

I find the axe is the best weapon if you want to dispose of zombies without making a lot of noise and attracting other humans.

If you are trapped in a house and the zombies are coming up the stairs, if you start shooting you just end up with an unending line of zombies to kill until you run out of ammo. Then you end up having to use your axe anyway. If you drop your weapon to use the axe, the weapon usually disappears. If you could pull out your axe, then you'd be able to dispose of the first couple zombies without attracting any more with gunfire or worse, attracting the attention of some lowlife Human who will wait for you to come out the door and then Ace you with his sniper scope.

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Yeah makes sense, more custom load outs are needed, if I want matches as a primary weapon I want matches, set the world on fire!

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I do think that the axe should be downsized to a hatchet and still kept as an inventory item, except that you can bring it out of there as a weapon assignable to the sidearm slot. BUT THAT'S JUST ME BEING KOOKY AND OUT THERE.

Edited by mzltv

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In the new inventory system in standalone weapons aren't listed as 'primary' or 'secondary' but rather just a weapon

(I could be wrong tho, not entirely sure)

Edited by Shrimpy223

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It's always surprised me the distinction of primary and secondary in games in general! I think choice for anything that can cause pain or injury should be allowed, including tin openers!

Take that bean brains!

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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I think that was a good suggestion axe as secondary weapon though melee weapons have really strong attack in zombie enemies.

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Fuck no, make an entire new melee slot. Then it just needs to be nerfed a bit.

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