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Sgt. Vanluven

Taviana, the land of the troll barracks?

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Are there any high value barracks on this map?

Been looking for awhile and out of the hundred barracks I've seen none are enterable, or have no loot(new barrack looking building).

Edited by Sgt. Vanluven
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I'm wondering if the map creator intended these new barracks to replace the old high value barracks, but the loot isn't working correctly?

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there is one location on the map where there is 3 barracks together. It's north of Martin. But tbh because there was so few high value mil I had to alter the heli crash sites to give more high end loot. It's working fine now and your not limited to these 3 patheic barracks :)

Edited by trichome

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I would agree on the "troll barracks" theme gives. The barracks that you can enter are almost like Chernarus only you cannot open the doors on the inside. You can only look at the loot through the windows on the side of the building.

I don't think this map has high value military. Just hangars and firehouses. Sure wish the map creator would change that. It's a great map though. Love it.

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