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Looking for some to play DayZ with

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Hi everyone,

I've been playing DayZ for about three months now, and do have a few friends that I'll play DayZ with on skype. Most aren't too active, so if anyone ever wants to play just send me a message on Skype. I have namalysk and chernarus that I prefer to play on. I'm not really a bandit or hero, but will kill or assist depending on the situation. Usually it will be trying to kill them, but I don't care either way. I'll play on official servers but prefer one private hive that's very good at going against hackers. (BMRF)

I'm pretty active - I'll be on most weekdays and I'll be on every weekend for a bit. I have other games that I would be willing to play as well - BF3, Company of Heroes, which I haven't really played too much

I'm 15 with a deep voice as well, and I know what I'm doing, If anyone wants to play just message me on skype - UnbornAssassin

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Just Smile Gaming is a new clan/community that is looking to recruit dedicated gamers of all background in the Dayz community. We are focused on becoming one of the best and biggiest clan/communities in the Dayz world, but we cant do that without your help, Yes You! We need you to come join us in our road to victory to take over dayz and we cant do this without having able bodies live you. Like what you have heard so far? Well if that has not tempted you yet then this will.

What We Can Offer:

  • An up to date website in which it is easy to access and navigate.
  • We host a 50 man TeamSpeak3 Server, come and join us to talk to use about your application or anything in general (
  • We host a hack free private hive 50 man server (
  • We have a great admin & support team that offers to give help and adive within the guild.
  • Ranking system
  • We offer forums for all the members to contact each other etc.

So what are you waiting for!

Here is a list of ways to contact me:

  • Steam ID - ItsJustKfoss.
  • PM me on the days forum.
  • Visit our site and PM on their.
  • Or reply to this post.

Send Your Application In Now!

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