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DayZ - Really Buggy Today.

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I was playing smoothly yesterday, but several things are happening today.

- When loading into a server I am seeing the OA loading screen and not the DayZ logo.

- I can no longer see where I spawn at, the text just doesn't appear.

- When trying to do an action like bandage myself via right click in the inventory, the selection menu will disappear very quickly.

- The Menu of OA has expansions and options on the side kinda bugged out

- The Server browser doesn't show DayZ games anymore, and if it does very few.

- The expansion selected is "Arma", whenever I try to select @DayZ and hit okay, it just re-selects Arma by itself.

- The Chat log is no loner in my bottum left corner, but kinda on the right side in the middle.

Don't know what's going on, but it was just fine yesterday.

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Are you launching via DayZcommander/Play WithSIx, or through steam?

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Are you launching via DayZcommander/Play WithSIx, or through steam?

I am launching with the SixLauncher.

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Then I would suggest getting on DayZCommander and try updating everything via that. If SixLauncher (Which is pretty outdated, by the way) has the ability to update your DayZ, ARMA II Beta patch and whatever map you're trying to load, try that first.

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