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DayZ Namalsk Looking to recruit Experienced players!

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Hi everyone I've been playing DayZ for awhile now and i'm become pretty good at the game.... I just starting playing on this server two days ago and i really like it i want some people to play with because it will be alot easier to secure a camp like area/ get better weapons and stuff like that.

Guns im good with: I'm good with guns like M16A2 acog and i'm dtarting to get better at sniping!

Im 14 years old and im looking for any players that are pretty decent at the game it will help if you live in the U.S because of time zones also if you want to join the clan message my skype corpe4

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I'm the same age and use Dayz Commander. I live on the East Coast contact me on Skype-Knuklehead561

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hey i have a free teamspeak server if u guys need it its open to all gamers and players


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