emorelix 0 Posted December 3, 2012 21 year old active dayz australian player, play at all times of the day, depending how i feel.not a bandit, hate bandits, dont group with me if ur a bandit and want to go around killing bambi's.LF a partner, or group of ppl to hang out with, or even a clan to play with.If you plan on buddying up with me and not in a clan, you ahve to be 18+ and have at least 1 month experience with dayz please.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Add me on skype : emorelixor add me via steam : CH1CK3NL1P5i have a mic, skype, vent and ts3 (pref to skype)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(also if u see me ingame, i am "emorelix" and i friendly, hence my zombie kill score)hope to see y'all ingame and happy surviving!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
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gunnulf 0 Posted December 3, 2012 Hey mate,Fellow Aussie here and also looking for a few people / friends to group up with in DayZ.I currently have my house mate tagging along so more the merrier i say :).Also don't worry we are definitely over the 18+ bracket, We both are along the lines of survivors not bandits & we only attack A fellow player once we are fired upon.I have sent you a Steam invite so if you wish to game with 2 other mature aussie blokes with similar mind sets to your self when please by all means tag along.RegardsDave Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
H2whoa 3 Posted December 3, 2012 (edited) Hey guys if you're interested look at the 21B thread, we are looking for more aussies to fill out a aussie squad to broaden our players over different time zones. Currently there is only 2 active aussies myself and one other but we need some more. if needs be just pm me for questionsHeres the link:http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/109953-21b-recruiting-ausasia-players-now/ Edited December 3, 2012 by H2whoa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted December 10, 2012 (edited) Hey mate i have a great whitelisted private server in Australia. Will be great for guys like you. You will have to apply at their FB page:www.facebook.com/gamingausPlenty of helpful players and usually only 10-20 ppl so you will have plenty or room for yourself.Hope to see you there! Edited December 10, 2012 by Viibez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marvel.Jane 113 Posted December 10, 2012 (edited) Hey guys, thank you for joining our server. Great to see you guys online and teamed up together. I will have to see what you guys have been up to in TS tonight. :) Edited January 9, 2013 by MarvelxGirl 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emorelix 0 Posted December 12, 2012 Hey guys, thank you for joining our server. Great to see you guys online and teamed up together. I will have to see what you guys have been up to in TS tonight. :)www.armaderp.comGTFO marvelnoob, ur server has got to be the most corrupt and admin-abusing server ive seen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marvel.Jane 113 Posted December 12, 2012 (edited) Anybody who is questioning myself or the server that I play on only has to visit ... and view the forums, we have nothing to hide and it is unfortunate that you left so abruptly when we were just discussing the rules and what we are trying to achieve in our server. Its obvious that you were not what we are looking for in our community and vice versa. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope that find a server more suited to you. :) Edited January 9, 2013 by MarvelxGirl 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aVIOLATED+_-monkey 43 Posted December 12, 2012 (edited) GTFO marvelnoob, ur server has got to be the most corrupt and admin-abusing server ive seen.Thats deeply sad mate, we have tried extremely hard to create a fair environment.....you on the other hand were a rule breaking gear stealing hypocrite.Your a sad spiteful person anyone else on the server im sure would disagree with your flaming.Time to go back to hacks-ville for you:) Edited December 12, 2012 by aVIOLATEDmonkey 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emorelix 0 Posted December 12, 2012 (edited) Thats deeply sad mate, we have tried extremely hard to create a fair environment.....you on the other hand were a rule breaking gear stealing hypocrite.Your a sad spiteful person anyone else on the server im sure would disagree with your flaming.Time to go back to hacks-ville for you:)3 main camps get raided, everything gone, everyone missing loot (and i had a ghillie bugged and removed from me too), and you say someoen stole loot from your ural.and you suspect the dude filling the bambi tents...pretty sure u got a hacker here mate.that would explain my "near death" (via admintools/scripting) prior to being banned. Edited December 12, 2012 by emorelix Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gazmtk (DayZ) 2 Posted December 12, 2012 Hi Emorelix,I don't know what corruption you are talking about? I feel I am pretty comfortable with all the Admin's on the server and yet they do not give me any special treatment nor do I see any unfair treatment either, its Dayz man, if you don't like the rules then don't play the game or go to another server? I have helped you in the game as you have helped me but I don't see why you are personally attacking MarvelXGirl? what has she done? Nothing that I can see or know of, she is always nice and caring to everyone she comes across and I can't think of a bad thing to say about her. Dayz is frustrating at times, but that's also what makes those life or death situations so exhilarating, yeh you have had a bad day on the server today, I lost all my gear this morning but hey its the game, my plan is just to head hunt for my gear back ;) anyway to anyone reading, this server is fine in my opinion, I suggest trying it before knocking it, its a community that actually cares and listens to what people are saying.that's my thoughts anyway,Gaz 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marvel.Jane 113 Posted December 12, 2012 It would have been really great if you could have discussed this with us, instead of disconnecting when we enter your TS channel. We are always open to communication to resolve any issues that arise. We were just trying to make you aware of what kind of community we are trying to build here. We appreciate that you were trying to help Bambis, as we have a few survivors that do, we were just requesting that there not be ANOTHER medical/overwatch team in server. We are just trying to keep moderation and balance in the types of players we have in the community. In regards to you removing your trade requests, I never asked you to do that. Infact due to yours and others requests to trade, we were about to open a Trading Section in our forums. We are currently investigating any issues of hacking that may have occured, and we do apologise if that is true.Perhaps you are having a bad day, but we dont appreciate the attitude. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emorelix 0 Posted December 12, 2012 Hi Emorelix,I don't know what corruption you are talking about? I feel I am pretty comfortable with all the Admin's on the server and yet they do not give me any special treatment nor do I see any unfair treatment either, its Dayz man, if you don't like the rules then don't play the game or go to another server?I have helped you in the game as you have helped me but I don't see why you are personally attacking MarvelXGirl? what has she done? Nothing that I can see or know of, she is always nice and caring to everyone she comes across and I can't think of a bad thing to say about her.Dayz is frustrating at times, but that's also what makes those life or death situations so exhilarating, yeh you have had a bad day on the server today,I lost all my gear this morning but hey its the game, my plan is just to head hunt for my gear back ;)anyway to anyone reading, this server is fine in my opinion, I suggest trying it before knocking it, its a community that actually cares and listens to what people are saying.that's my thoughts anyway,Gaznothing personal aimed at her Gaz. i had fun too on there.but i just dont want them advertising on my OP now that i got accused of stuff i didnt even KNOW ABOUT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emorelix 0 Posted December 12, 2012 It would have been really great if you could have discussed this with us, instead of disconnecting when we enter your TS channel. We are always open to communication to resolve any issues that arise. We were just trying to make you aware of what kind of community we are trying to build here. We appreciate that you were trying to help Bambis, as we have a few survivors that do, we were just requesting that there not be ANOTHER medical/overwatch team in server. We are just trying to keep moderation and balance in the types of players we have in the community. In regards to you removing your trade requests, I never asked you to do that. Infact due to yours and others requests to trade, we were about to open a Trading Section in our forums. We are currently investigating any issues of hacking that may have occured, and we do apologise if that is true.Perhaps you are having a bad day, but we dont appreciate the attitude.as shadow was coming to talk to me my internet died, then after that i was too annoyed to get on. a cooling off period was needed and that is why i waited for gunnulf to come online. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gilliosa 3 Posted December 12, 2012 Hi Emorelix,I am really sorry you have had a bad start to the Arma Derp servers. I personally started playing Day Z about a month and a half ago I guess and all I found was servers that provided hacking sob's once you got some basic gear. But I have found all the members of the Admin and server control team to be very fair and helpful in an unobtrusive kind of way. They have always been open and honest about rules and changes that have been made and there have been many made in the short time I'v been here playing. I have always found a sympathetic but very fair ear when faced with the frustrations of day z and I have learned the realities of the game through there honesty and direct approach to things. I am also a fairly new gamer in general and so it has been hard for me personally to come to grips with this complex social structure that is the internet, I to had a bad day in day z today but I didn't blame anyone but myself and then proceeded to jump from the largest building in Cherno which was only fitting for my own stupidity. You'll be missed mate.Gill 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emorelix 0 Posted December 13, 2012 (edited) It would have been really great if you could have discussed this with us, instead of disconnecting when we enter your TS channel. We are always open to communication to resolve any issues that arise. We were just trying to make you aware of what kind of community we are trying to build here. We appreciate that you were trying to help Bambis, as we have a few survivors that do, we were just requesting that there not be ANOTHER medical/overwatch team in server. We are just trying to keep moderation and balance in the types of players we have in the community. In regards to you removing your trade requests, I never asked you to do that. Infact due to yours and others requests to trade, we were about to open a Trading Section in our forums. We are currently investigating any issues of hacking that may have occured, and we do apologise if that is true.Perhaps you are having a bad day, but we dont appreciate the attitude."requesting that there not be ANOTHER medical/overwatch team in server"i think u interpreted it the wrong way.we mean medic/overwatch squad. as in we hook up with say... the remnants of NSD, as a sniper overwatch crew, protecting them while they loot NW/NE airfields/stary / zelengorsk. and carry med supplies in OUR packs so THEY can have space in theirs for looting, then if they get injured in a firefight, we provide them sniper fire/suppression while they escape, we rendevous, and med them up.i didnt mean ops on coast. i mean northern PVP ops. (Meatbait gave me the go to post it on the forums.)we dont want to operate on the coast.my reaction may have been immature and over the top, but at the time, it was a provoked response.i dc'd from ts and was on forums on my phone, cause net died, by the time i got my net back, i waited for gunnulf to get on to talk with him and jacob. Edited December 13, 2012 by emorelix Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marvel.Jane 113 Posted December 13, 2012 (edited) "requesting that there not be ANOTHER medical/overwatch team in server"i think u interpreted it the wrong way.we mean medic/overwatch squad. as in we hook up with say... the remnants of NSD, as a sniper overwatch crew, protecting them while they loot NW/NE airfields/stary / zelengorsk. and carry med supplies in OUR packs so THEY can have space in theirs for looting, then if they get injured in a firefight, we provide them sniper fire/suppression while they escape, we rendevous, and med them up.i didnt mean ops on coast. i mean northern PVP ops. (Meatbait gave me the go to post it on the forums.)we dont want to operate on the coast.my reaction may have been immature and over the top, but at the time, it was a provoked response.i dc'd from ts and was on forums on my phone, cause net died, by the time i got my net back, i waited for gunnulf to get on to talk with him and jacob.You can try and crawl your way back as much as you like. The fact is that you could have voiced all of this in the original forum thread or in TS (TS says lost connection when your net dies and user disconnect when you dont... what do you think yours said?) You also edited every post on the forums within two mintues of the supposed disconnect. The fact is that if you had remained calm and communicated with us like an adult, it would have been resolved at the time. It really does matter what excuses you try to dig up, you and your attitude are not welcome back. Move on and find another server, this horse corpse has been flogged enough.EDITED: To include the previous comment quote, as they get editted so frequently. Edited December 13, 2012 by MarvelxGirl Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meatbait 0 Posted December 13, 2012 i didnt mean ops on coast. i mean northern PVP ops. (Meatbait gave me the go to post it on the forums.)we dont want to operate on the coast.my reaction may have been immature and over the top, but at the time, it was a provoked response.i dc'd from ts and was on forums on my phone, cause net died, by the time i got my net back, i waited for gunnulf to get on to talk with him and jacob.Ok I told you about the bambi camps and I said it was great if you could help fill them, but I didn't realise you were never going to leave cherno ( you didn't leave for 4 days). Not once did you approach me about posting anything on the forums of any kind. I was very surprised to see the post you did put up and asked marvelxgirl to respond to it as I was busy white listing more people to the server and other thing of that nature.Please if you are going to attack anyone about the ban attack me mate. Marvelxgirl has done nothing wrong except tell you how the server works and point you to some rules and you flew off the handle. Once an admin jumped into your teamspeak channel you instantly disconnected, not dropped connection (which is what happens when your net drops), 2 minutes later you abused marvelxgirl on the forums using words that I find very offensive and are not taken lightly on a public forum. You have been banned from every part of our community and you are not welcome back. If you are going to continue the attack mate attack me like I said.I hope you enjoy the rest of your dayz playing the game just not on our serverMeatbait Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emorelix 0 Posted December 13, 2012 Ok I told you about the bambi camps and I said it was great if you could help fill them, but I didn't realise you were never going to leave cherno ( you didn't leave for 4 days). Not once did you approach me about posting anything on the forums of any kind. I was very surprised to see the post you did put up and asked marvelxgirl to respond to it as I was busy white listing more people to the server and other thing of that nature.Please if you are going to attack anyone about the ban attack me mate. Marvelxgirl has done nothing wrong except tell you how the server works and point you to some rules and you flew off the handle. Once an admin jumped into your teamspeak channel you instantly disconnected, not dropped connection (which is what happens when your net drops), 2 minutes later you abused marvelxgirl on the forums using words that I find very offensive and are not taken lightly on a public forum. You have been banned from every part of our community and you are not welcome back. If you are going to continue the attack mate attack me like I said.I hope you enjoy the rest of your dayz playing the game just not on our serverMeatbaitYou can try and crawl your way back as much as you like. The fact is that you could have voiced all of this in the original forum thread or in TS (TS says lost connection when your net dies and user disconnect when you dont... what do you think yours said?) You also edited every post on the forums within two mintues of the supposed disconnect. The fact is that if you had remained calm and communicated with us like an adult, it would have been resolved at the time. It really does matter what excuses you try to dig up, you and your attitude are not welcome back. Move on and find another server, this horse corpse has been flogged enough.EDITED: To include the previous comment quote, as they get editted so frequently.You can try and crawl your way back as much as you like. The fact is that you could have voiced all of this in the original forum thread or in TS (TS says lost connection when your net dies and user disconnect when you dont... what do you think yours said?) You also edited every post on the forums within two mintues of the supposed disconnect. The fact is that if you had remained calm and communicated with us like an adult, it would have been resolved at the time. It really does matter what excuses you try to dig up, you and your attitude are not welcome back. Move on and find another server, this horse corpse has been flogged enough.EDITED: To include the previous comment quote, as they get editted so frequently.im not trying to crawl back mrs fancypants.merely stating how wrong you were.You want to take the high ground then go ahead. You were wrong, you read it wrong, and i reacted accordingly to unprovoked hostility.It's ok though, your lil kingdom can stay as it is.I really don't care and never was fussed.ningen desu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emorelix 0 Posted December 13, 2012 Ok I told you about the bambi camps and I said it was great if you could help fill them, but I didn't realise you were never going to leave cherno ( you didn't leave for 4 days). Not once did you approach me about posting anything on the forums of any kind. I was very surprised to see the post you did put up and asked marvelxgirl to respond to it as I was busy white listing more people to the server and other thing of that nature.Please if you are going to attack anyone about the ban attack me mate. Marvelxgirl has done nothing wrong except tell you how the server works and point you to some rules and you flew off the handle. Once an admin jumped into your teamspeak channel you instantly disconnected, not dropped connection (which is what happens when your net drops), 2 minutes later you abused marvelxgirl on the forums using words that I find very offensive and are not taken lightly on a public forum. You have been banned from every part of our community and you are not welcome back. If you are going to continue the attack mate attack me like I said.I hope you enjoy the rest of your dayz playing the game just not on our serverMeatbaitSorry for your goldfish memory and for your whole admin list of ppl who don't know what combat medic/overwatch means. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emorelix 0 Posted December 14, 2012 Ok I told you about the bambi camps and I said it was great if you could help fill them, but I didn't realise you were never going to leave cherno ( you didn't leave for 4 days). Not once did you approach me about posting anything on the forums of any kind. I was very surprised to see the post you did put up and asked marvelxgirl to respond to it as I was busy white listing more people to the server and other thing of that nature.Please if you are going to attack anyone about the ban attack me mate. Marvelxgirl has done nothing wrong except tell you how the server works and point you to some rules and you flew off the handle. Once an admin jumped into your teamspeak channel you instantly disconnected, not dropped connection (which is what happens when your net drops), 2 minutes later you abused marvelxgirl on the forums using words that I find very offensive and are not taken lightly on a public forum. You have been banned from every part of our community and you are not welcome back. If you are going to continue the attack mate attack me like I said.I hope you enjoy the rest of your dayz playing the game just not on our serverMeatbaitthe hackers name is pedobear/pedo bear btw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites