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flower (DayZ)

Mix breeds

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Chickens can be bred with other animals to create a unique offspring that share certain features of each parent. Let me explain:

1. Chicken + Goat = chicken with horns / Goat with feathers (Scientific Naming: Chigu / Guchi)

2. Chicken + Cow = chicken with 4 legs / cow with 2 legs (Scientific Naming: Chicow / Cuchi)

3. Chicken + Boar = chicken now take 4 shots to kill / boars are now able to run close to the speed of light (Scientific Naming: chibu / buchi)

This mix breeding should encourage more different types of farm animals in the Dayz universe not seen in any game. Thoughts?

Edited by flower
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Chickens can be bred with other animals to create a unique offspring that share certain features of each parent. Let me explain:

1. Chicken + Goat = chicken with horns / Goat with feathers (Scientific Naming: Chigu / Guchi)

2. Chicken + Cow = chicken with 4 legs / cow with 2 legs (Scientific Naming: Chicow / Cuchi)

3. Chicken + Boar = chicken now take 4 shots to kill / boars are now able to run close to the speed of light (Scientific Naming: chibu / buchi)

This mix breeding should encourage more different types of farm animals in the Dayz universe not seen in any game. Thoughts?


I don't understand the post?

How does this fit into the game??

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Breed a helicopter to a zombie to get a flying undead thing that shoots players?

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