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Looking for a Clan (Aus/NZ)

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I have been playing DayZ for a while now, and have been in a few clans... when i joined my last clan it was fine, till people started hacking, and the Clan/Server owner hacked to find out where everyone in the server was, even find all vehicles and tents.... so i decided to leave and stopped playing, now i have decided to look for a new clan to join... hopefully in New Zealand or Australia..

I play for fun, Work well in a group, but.. i will shoot on sight if i don't trust a random i see, because it's hard to trust someone that you don't know and who is not in your clan... i use to help people out, by giving them food, water even weapons till some guy shot me in the back of the head, now i will only trust a clan member...

So if there is any New Zealand/Australia clans out there willing to have me in the clan please leave a post.. and i will hopefully reply soon..

I will also leave my details below;

Ingame Name: D3adPool

21 years old

I have Teamspeak 3 with a working Mic

I live in New Zealand

if you want to know anything else just ask..

Thank you,


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Hello there folks, my name is ItsJustKfoss and I'm the Co-owner of the gaming community Justsmilegaming.com

Our servers are located in the UK and we use a Private Hive server.

JustSmileGaming.com launched about two-three days ago starting with a focus on DayZ but with a vision of supporting more games with interest.

You can consider us a clan as we have appliations to join our squad(s) which we'd want to maintain in groups of 5-7 people meaning that if you see alot of our clan tags on the server then they're probably split in squads.

Our IP for the server(50 slots) is:

Our IP for the TS3 Server:

As for the server it contains the following:

-24/7 daylight (Poll for this in the future.)

-Vehicle limit 100 (With 2 choppers)

-Loadout starting with compass giving you the choice to get off the coast more easily or stick to the coast for more PvP.

-Rollbacks if hackers get in and screw the server over.

-Restarts every six hours with several warnings before it restarts.

-Possible Whitelist in the future depending on demand.

This is what we got right now but since we're fresh we're gonna add in custom buildings as we want to see a bit more PvP along the coast and inlands. (A poll will decide the layout of custom buildings)

We're looking for active and laidback members as we feel we want to get to know the community. We are also going to open up admin positions once members stop popping in so be active on the TS3, forums and ingame and you might have a chance to get one if we see fit.

Thanks from us at JustSmileGaming.com for reading this.

Hope to see you soon!

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