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Need NVGs in Exchange for (This Part is Negotiable)

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Long story short, I need NVGs. It isn't your job to ask why, just when and how.

So what do you want for them? A DMR? M4A3 CCO SD? A combo of something? I'll get whatever we've discussed upon and have it ready upon transaction. We will meet in a secure location and the deal will go down, quick and simple. The location and time will be negotiated as I understand you people as well as I don't have all the time in the world for these things.

So, post your request for payment for the NVGs, and we'll do the rest in private messages, or Gmail using IM.

My email is [email protected]

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Some of these setup encounters can be half the fun themselves - even though its lame using a outside game source to set them up, it is very interesting when a trade goes sour... and very nerve racking when it goes good. Either way - its all about the entertainment value they can provide for me sometimes, even if I do get teleported and killed 5 minutes later...........

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I am not really concerned about hackers and all that. Once you've lost as much as I have, which isn't more than over half the DayZ community, you fight while you can but once it's gone you just let it go and start over. I know that I can get everything back. Doing it again just lets me have more fun.

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i have nvg, rangefinder, gps, guillie. I want an as50 and a pdw with ammo

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I need a spare M24. I can trade within the next 2-3 hours.

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