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Forest Brothers Recruiting!

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Forest Brothers Recruiting!

This is a new clan/group to play in both Chernarus and the other maps :) We will act as a partisan group - minimum direct engagements, small groups for mobility and minimum losses. We will concentrate on hunting down bandits and helping out non-aggressive players that need help. If you like these ideas, don't hesitate and join in :) Just write something about yourself, what skills you posses and how can we contact you (steam, skype etc.).


Marksman - Ideally the main assault force. Scouting, Overwatch and support for others. Two guys in one team, so even if you're not perfectly skilled with a sniper rifle, you can still do the spotting and close combat support if you get attacked :)

Transport / Engineering - you will mainly be responsible for driving others to towns, saving their asses and acquiring new vehicles (best if you can fly a helli).

Supplies / Medic - doing supply runs, helping out Engineers etc

Assault team - Direct engagements with players. Best if you're skilled with close combat guns and assault rifles.

This does not mean that you will be confined to your position, anybody will be able to just change up what he's doing, as long as nobody gets pissed off and as long as the skills are there (no point being the engineer if you can't drive properly :D)

Edited by ArousedNinja

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Hi! Thanks for your response in my earlier thread. I'd definitely be interested in joining if you're still looking.

Age: 23

Location: US (FL)

Skills: Sniping, CQC skirmishes, could also do supply runs or vehicle transport if needed. Not experienced enough with the heli yet.


Mumble, Teamspeak, Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mance6/ , In-Game/DayZ Commander Name (for friends list): Operator

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Thanks for having an interest guys :) Once we get enough people for the first squad ( which at first could be 4-5 people), we'll get together and see if anything proper comes out of this :) We will communicate using TeamSpeak, if you guys are fine with that :)

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position:Marksman or assault team

skills:Fairly good sniper and also I am good at close quarter

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This sounds awesome!

Age: 17

Location: Norway

Pros: Good at sniping, taking out single targets and such.

Cons: Not the greatest english, get stressed out during firefigths if they return fire, don't like mobility too good.

Posisiton: Marksman.

Skype/Steam: brianw321/here

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i am also interested in joining :) sounds awesome.

my name is Anthony,

location: US

age: 16

Skills: close combat, sniping, spotting, being awesome, and really good with all vehicles.

contact me with skype monk2007monk, also have TS3 but never used it.

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This is going great so far! Sent you all guys a message with TeamSpeak info, hopefully we'll get a game going soon :)

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Sounds like a good group of players just trying to help one another and others out.


Location: US

Position: Assault team

Skills: Close quarters, Looting sneaky(Not attracting unwanted attention), friendly player

How to contact? Skype: Soloarpower

Steam: Splendorman

Fill free to contact me when ever, usually on unless im away.

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I am definitely in if you'll take another teamate. I've been playing for about 10 months. Good map knowledge and understanding of loot yield and loot spawn.

Age: 18

Location: East US

skype: superfly541

TS3: xXsuperfly541Xx

Marksman: excellent sniper and spotter. Can find ranges quickly & knows many arma tricks for doing so. understands use of mildots for quick body shots

Engineering: Good heli pilot (even in poor condition) and most other vehicles. except boats. i f***king hate boats =(

Assault team: admittedly poor. I play defensively most often. typically closing in on enemy players results in my death.

supply and support: i can do this also

hmu on here or skype (tho im not usually on skype, mostly use teamspeak)

please send teamspeak info.

look forward to joining bro!

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I am interested in joining your team. I like the idea of helping people and hunting bandits. I mainly play by myself and have been wanting to join a group.

age: 26

location: West USA

Skill: Supplies medic/assault team

Contact: Steam- Raptorattack or on here is fine too.

Edited by Raptorattack

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sounds cool man.

age: 26

location: US west

preferred role: assault

steam: oO Mr Pibb Oo

i usually play hero when on private hive when playing with others, when I play solo not so much :)

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Location: AUS

Position: Marksman, good with snipers or Transport really good at flying heli's and driving.

Skills: I can do a backflip in a heli xD. I know the drop on sniper rifles.I can get through places with out being seen

Skype: jamesmx2000

Steam: jamesmx2000

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I am interested if you need another player, to be honest i don't have much experience but i'm not a douche, i respect and ill follow squad rules.

Age: 14

Skills: Best at Marksman, spotting, looting

Skype: big_bomberchris

Steam: Chris_7110 or try Chris7177

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Hit me up.....


US West Coast

Position: Marksman, Sniper Spotting, Recon, and occasional CQC with LMGs.

Very new to DayZ but have played Arma 2 a lot in the past as well as other numerous first person shooters.

Have teamspeak. Contact me here though and send TS info.

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Add me on skype: Tbark


US East Coast

Position:Recon, Engineer, Medic, Spotter

Been playing Dayz since July

Hit me up on skype and send TS info

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Now that we have enough people for two full squads, I'm closing the registration for now :) Once both squads start functioning, we will be open for applications :)

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Age: 14, im mature though, dont worry.

Skype: Dutchintervention

Position: Sniper/spotter.

I've played Dayz for a couple of months now and i would really like to get into a squad, so can you add me on skype so we can discuss if i can get into one, please? :(

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Age:14 im mature

Location: Finland

Position: Assault team

Skype: samuli989

Steam: samuli989 :)

plzz i want in so badly:)

Edited by Titus98

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So, first "session" was very fun guys :) Hectic and Unorganized though so far :D Before playing next time we'll try to assign positions etc. The guys who played with me, PM me what you wanna do since we have gear and transportation now and can start doing stuff :)

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Hi i am danis12344

I am Age 17

Position: Sniper team

Skype: danis12344

Steam: Cepelyn

And i am from Lithuania

Edited by Danis12344

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I would love to join but the thing that sets me back from most others is that I just started playing this game today. And that the only experience I have from this game is from watching hours of gameplay haha

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Age: 22

Location: US East

Position: Supplies / Medic, Stealthy, prefer silenced weapons, if not available then crossbow/axe with rifle in pack

Skype: DefiantLoyalty

Steam: DefiantLoyalty

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Sorry guys I haven't reply to you recently, been busy. But now I'm back, so I'll send the invitations probably today.

Those who already played with me, add me on Steam (same name as here), I'll add you to the group so we can start playing.


Edited by ArousedNinja

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