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Recruiting players to join current squad.

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We currently have 5 members to our squad and are looking for more to join us. we play on a whitelist private hive with no hackers. We enjoy tactical gameplay and like having a laugh as well so message me or reply to this topic and I will send you the teamspeak details so you can come and have a chat.


  • You must be 16 years or age or over
  • You must have a minimum of 1 months DayZ experience

Edited by ChimeraQlimax

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From: Sweden

age: 20 or something.

experience, 4 months of on and off timeXD

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I have just over one month of experience. I'm 18 and have yet to find a group. It would be very awesome if you could let me group up with you all.

Steam ID (blacklightmecha)


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