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Why my pc doesn't run dayz too well?

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Now this game is playable when I play everything in the lowest lowest lowest detail possible. But then I can't really do much because if a lot is kicking off (3-4 players in the area, cars driving around ect) it lags and I can't really aim/shoot/play properly.

I used the website http://www.systemrequirementslab.com and it says everything I have is above reccomended. Now can anybody tell me why my game doesn't run well?

Also, I have been looking to get a dedicated gaming pc for a while since I got my full time job, so can anyone give me some links to some that you think would be able to run some up to date games such as DayZ, GTA IV ect.


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For starters, can you please write down youre hardware specs. Not easy to reply when we dont know what kinda components you have mate.

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The problem with low end optimization, is that zombies eat up a lot of FPS at the moment due to the 3 models per zombie/player thing that arma 2 has going on. The requirements you likely read are for arma 2 OA.

Dayz standalone apparently boasts 1 model per player, so that should boost performance by 2/3 in theory.

As for a gaming rig that's on par with new and demanding games such as Dayz. Her's what i bought....

Intel i5 3.6 ivy bridge (fully over clockable to 4.5)

GTX 680 2gb

8gb corsair ddr3

120gb SSD with 500gb sata 3 backup HDD

This setup will give you 45/60fps wherever you go in dayz, and will knock all games out of the park for a good few years yet.

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How much am I looking for rock a setup like that, Delta? I was looking at this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/360519336488?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D360519336488%26_rdc%3D1 but I'm not too sure.

And @john, I'm just asking why these websites tell me my machine CAN run it, but for some reason my computer can't that well. I.E. is dayz quite a demanding game.

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How much am I looking for rock a setup like that, Delta? I was looking at this http://www.ebay.co.u...19336488&_rdc=1 but I'm not too sure.

And @john, I'm just asking why these websites tell me my machine CAN run it, but for some reason my computer can't that well. I.E. is dayz quite a demanding game.

Thats why we need youre current specs so we can help... :)

Edited by John69

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OK :)

Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

3.1 GB RAM

My gfx card is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 610

NVIDIA High Definition Audio sound card (not really important though)

2.4ghz Quad CPU


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Correct, Yes my computer is quite old It's why I am looking to buy a dedicated gaming PC, could you reccomend one ?

EDIT: Ninjad if I am going to spend that much on a card I'd rather just spend twice as much on a new PC.

Edited by Dazura

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How much am I looking for rock a setup like that, Delta? I was looking at this http://www.ebay.co.u...19336488&_rdc=1 but I'm not too sure.

And @john, I'm just asking why these websites tell me my machine CAN run it, but for some reason my computer can't that well. I.E. is dayz quite a demanding game.

I bought it for £1400 with a few extra bits like Top of the line gaming mouse, keyboard, joypad and extra cooling sytems.

If your from the uk check out http://www.scan.co.uk/

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i would just try to upgrade the gpu at first should give u a really nice boost

if its not that much u expected u can still buy a new desktop without gpu and just put your new one in

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Ok. Well can you be sure that a new GPU would be compatible in a computer as old as mine? and I only have a 500W power supply, will I need to upgrade that too.

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your power supply might handle this without problem but if u want to be safe get a gtx 560 ti which is just a bit weaker then the 570 but instead of max 210w power it needs 170w under full load, which your psu will handle without problems

like this one http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gigabyte-nVIDIA-GTX560TI-PCI-E-Graphics/dp/B004K8R8MG/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1354373516&sr=8-6

Edited by Wolli

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Thanks I think my current card uses around 150-200w anyway so it might not be a problem, however if I do decide to buy a gaming pc ready built sometime after christmas can you reccomend one that would run dayz in high detail ?

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I live in the UK, I don't really have a price range but I can't go too crazy on my useless apprenticeship wage :(

However I don't really want to spend more than £500. Ideally 300-400, I don't need a monitor/headset/mouse ect.

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Right, thanks a lot for your help . I'll keep an eye out for that pc and similar ones when I decide to buy something

Thanks again

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Whats the difference between 8GB and 4GB of ram? If it isn't that big I'd love to save almost £100 .

I could always upgrade to 8GB at another time if really needed.

Edited by Dazura

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