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Survivor camps/bases/houses + ingame money!

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Hello everyone!

Here is my next suggestion.

Adding MONEY into the game. So you can find few buckses in houses aswell. Also you could sell to other players for buckses, and buy from others for buckses aswell. Money - will be rare and costly item (like in real life).

Also add some Survivor camps (with NPC survivors) there you are not allowed to shoot/kill/steal (If you shoot, whole base attacks you).

At that camps you can buy/sell Food/Drink/Ammunition/Rare weapons and other stuff for US Dollars. (or maybe russian roubles... don't know)

Also at that base you can play mini-games (poker/chess - just fun mini games with NPC or other players)

So this will be a place for fun without zombies. something like "Heaven in Hell".

What ya say?

Just imagine how it will work in game!!!

Go play Poker))

Edited by trexeth

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I was going to just post a negative reply, but I think I would like the ability to play cards with other survivors.

Even if it's totally pointless.

It would be better if you could deal cards freely and play ANY game instead of just pre-set ones. But that might be a little far-fetched.

EDIT: If money is an item, wouldn't it be in rubles?

It should be a junk item, if anything.

Players can place their own value on things if they want to trade. There's no economy. It's an apocalypse!

Should there be a shop? Absolutely not! All civilization has to be built by the players, that's the point of DayZ.

EDIT (since you changed the OP)

No NPCs. Definitely not.


Edited by Chabowski
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I'm sorry, but I don't think this would work in game.

Money isn't needed really, trade items with other players. It seems like a cool idea, but... It could end up being a pay-to-win game.

NPCs? Please no. This game is, and should stay, focusing on Player on Player interactions, no NPCs, would ruin the game I think.

Mini-Games? This is a zombie apocalypse! :P No time to play poker or chess. Would completely ruin immersion in my opinion. "I'm about to die, wanna play some chess?". This game isn't meant to be 'happy' and 'fun', but cruel! :P

Good ideas, just not for this game I think :)

Edit: Thinking about it, money would be cool, just I don't think we should be able to buy things from shops or NPCs, but if money were to be in the game, should be only tradeable with other players. :)

Edited by Mini Maracas

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What if you were allowed to cheat, and if someone saw you slip a card, it'd turn into a Mexican standoff...

Sorry. My Red Dead Redemption thoughts are taking over.

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What about what you said, but instead of money, use food and drinks as currency? Its more usefull you know. I rather have some food and water than useless paper in the apocalypse.

And no, please no NPC's and camps made by them. It would be cooler if for example a big clan could struggle to build a huge, walled off city infront of a road maybe, then trade between these places could be possible. Like if one clan has much food, they could trade with the other clan 5 km away for water or soda. Then a trade route could be made. Everything would need to be protected by the clan, so it would be costly as it would proably be many bandits looking for goodies. So the clans would have to agree on sending guards and the clan would need to guard the fort from bandits at all time. Would be so friggin epic :D

Btw sorry for going off topic :D

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I play on a white listed server. Pl@net dayz. Wonderful group of players. There is a small area of the map that is a no-fire zone. A refugee camp. This is as far as it should go. No NPC's. thats just a bad idea. No "game directed currency". I like what Rocket has always said, WE, the players decide what to do with any of the tools he puts into the game. If Beans become the unit of barter, then so be it, tin cans if every one decides they have 'value' more power to it, but no game set currency.

I like the idea of mini games, I know if this were real life, I would love for a little respite with the fam while holed up in an abandoned house and play a game of chess, or cards, or whatever (not making any suggestions, but if we are talking r/l...)

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There is already a mod for this minus the zombies, it's called The Wasteland Mod, 3 sides, BluFor, OpFor, Independent, it features base building, plenty of vehicles, team work, objectives, and money to buy guns and other things. IDK about the playing cards, sounds fun, I'd like to see more animations like that dance one, but have some different ones and maybe be able to dance with other players like a tango or a walse, also a simple wave and make the surrender animation so you're able to walk.

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Rocket has already said there will never be a currency in DayZ, and that it's up to the players to establish it.

Yet it has still been suggested and rejected far too many times.

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It's already said a bunch of times but I'm gonna go ahead and say it again: money is something that is moot in the apocalypse because money is worthless.

Reason being: Money was invented to represent gold in the banks, a banker writes you a piece of paper that says "This paper is worth 10lbs of gold" or some such, you bring that to another bank and then they give you the gold. Something to that effect at least, I'm not sure what the exact process was or is but the point is that money represents the exchange of gold throughout the entire world (kinda funny isn't it? 400 years later and we're still basing value of objects on shiny things) and without functional banks to upkeep the currency system money becomes completely worthless as anything but toilet paper that's softer than leaves or fuel for a fire.

That being said, implementing a card game or some other form of mini games... well... not sure what you'd really wanna do with this aside from shoot the shit around a campfire when the sun's gone down and you're waiting for night to stop being like the moon was just ctrl+alt+del'd from the sky.

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Money is worthless, If the world went to shit then people wouldn't still go around saving up money to buy a gun or w.e, If they could make a trading system then that would be something better. But no money.

Edited by MasterMind

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If players are going to be setting up trade posts, or attempting to establish some form of civilization, it's up to them what's valuable or not.

How do you think money got invented in the first place? More than being representative of the value of gold (which came about a bit later), it's a medium of exchange.

People need to be able to trade things with a perceived value. *EDIT: googled this : History of Money*

It makes perfect sense to have notes and coins lying around homes and shops, or in the pockets of an unfortunate native.

Some people don't seem to understand that "no economy" doesn't mean all the actual money in the world ceases to exist.

Edited by Chabowski

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Server communities will create their own trade or currency but this will only happen if Server Hopping can be contained since this will hurt any Server World Economy

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So you can find few buckses in houses aswell. Also you could sell to other players for buckses, and buy from others for buckses aswell.


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i think the only currency that would have any "value" would be bullets, just like in Metro ... but as for money, don't really see the sense in using it in a game like dayz ... i really don't see zombies worrying about how much paper they have in their pockets, since they will be too busy trying to munch on your legs. Same goes for players(only that they try avoiding getting munched).

Now bullets, there is a different story, but that will go as a barter system, where you give and get something that you need, the other player needs.

As for npc ... don't really see the sense in shops around the world, would go against the entire survival theme of the game. The only place where i would agree to see npcs, would be in the player build bases, but they are there just for show, and to consume resources, so that if you want to have a big base, you must keep on scavenging for food and other things to deposit them inside the base and the npcs consume it.(they could MAYBE, help defend your base against other players raids)

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Why would you add money? Money means NOTHING in a zombie apocalypse!

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I will say the same as above for the same reasons. Money to trade is a big no.

After war z devs will say dayZ team copied their system :lol:

Maybe coins could be melt to make bullets but I don't know if it's possible/realistic.



Edited by Nikiller

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For the sake of argument, let's say the first thing all the infected got the urge to do was eat all the money in the country.

Now there's no more need to discuss it.

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Most people who want money want a compact way to transport "value" without having to pick what, or the attached bulk (10$ of meat and 10$ of bullets have the same value),

I say no. Having to travel light IS part of what makes DayZ.

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If you don't want it, you're in no position to surmise what "most people" want.

It's a method of obtaining commodities through trade, without having to produce or, in the case of DayZ, scavenge items of equal perceived value.

It's got bugger all to do with travelling light. Doing what it takes to get items necessary to your survival "IS part of what makes DayZ."

I'm not saying add a shop. That would be retarded.

What I'm saying is, don't be so short sighted as to deny the opportunity for the existence of a player-created economy.

It only works if people agree on the value of items, junk or otherwise. (money has no practical application in a survival sense, hence its "junk" classification)

There will be trade taking place either way. Players will decide what value is held by particular items on a per-instance basis.

People here are talking as if, in this "authentic" scenario, all the banknotes and coinage suddenly chose to evacuate the planet, without a trace.

EDIT: formatting

Edited by Chabowski

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It should be a junk item, if anything.

I've said this before, there should be more stuff like that. You should be able to pick up all kinds of useless crap, if anyone has played Fallout 3 or any of the 'recent' Elder Scrolls games you know what I mean. Just for immersions sake, the world should be filled with now worthless things like money, Tv's, etc. pp. you get what I'm saying.

Then once player bases are intergrated they might even become somewhat usefull and worth something for decorading purposes. A whole new trade system could evolve. Got a bookshelve but nothing to put in? Well that survivor camp outside Zelenogorsk has set up a trading post and they got all kinds of crazy shit!

My two cents.

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