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Any way to play Taviana map in the Armory ?

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Since Rocket decided to completely disable the SINGLEPLAYER menu option, obviously I can no longer get to the Armory to explore a new map by myself.

Is there any way to get around this limitation ? I tried 1.7.3, still disabled, and it didn't even load with

I can;t play online at the moment, because there are only 2 Taviana servers within my PING range, and they are both running outdated versions of A2 Beta.

Does anyone know of a way where I can explore the map at my leisure ?

EDIT:- Also, whenever I have managed to catch a compatible server, it always says "You are running the wrong version of DayZ code - you are runnung 1.7.4 and the server is running 1.1.0". What does THAT mean ?! 1.1.0 is the version of Taviana not Dayz. What's that all about ?

Edited by vecuccio

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