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keep getting kicked from servers

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hi sorry if repost, just getting frustrated.

just started playing today, was going good for a few hours then the six updater did a update and now i keep getting kicked from any server i join. how can i fix it?

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I'm having the same problem. It appears DayZ was updated 1.7.1 but all the servers are still on 1.7.0? I'm just guessing.

Seems like either Six Updater is a little premature or the servers are slow at updating?

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I'm having the same problem. It appears DayZ was updated 1.7.1 but all the servers are still on 1.7.0? I'm just guessing.

Seems like either Six Updater is a little premature or the servers are slow at updating?

Yeah, that is exactly what is going on. Just gotta wait a bit.

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So much for that theory. I have the ARMA2 Beta patch 93825 and Six Updater says it has Day Z at 1.7.1.

I see a handful of servers listing they are at both of those versions and I'm still getting kicked.

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I got the same issue, just got arma2 today and did all the updating. Although even if i find a server with 1.7.1 i still get booted the moment i get in.

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quote from another thread.

"Six Updater has just been updated. It had a different dayz_code.pbo hence why you all are getting kicked. Re download through Six and join away!"

So redownload dayz_code and you should be good to go.

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yea never seen anything like sixupdater before how do i redownload the dayz_code or do i just restart and update

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