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Rayan (DayZ)

Framerate Issue, not sure why

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Ok, so I got DayZ a while back and played with my friends mostly on V and I ran the game smoothly on high, even in cherno and stuff where we used to meet up and get the bus. There was the atifacts problem or whatever it's calles, where weird triangles appear on you screen blocking your view in certain parts of cherno, but that was about the only graphical problem I had. Now I stopped playing for a couple of months, and when I came back I updated to 1.7.3 and the day after, and all of a sudden, I randomly get crazy framrate drops where it is impossible to do things (almost). It happens ~ every 10 seconds, and last for about 10 seconds, and it would make aiming and shooting ridiculously hard. Does anyone know why this has happened or how to fix it? Is it the update's fault?

My specs:

- Intel core i7 2670QM 2.2GHz (turbo up to 3.1GHz)

- NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M 2GB dedicated VRAM

- 8GB DDR3 memory

- 750 GB HDD

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Well your specs and past experience with the game suggest you should have no difficulty...

Try a fresh install? Can work wonders ya know ;-D

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It might not be your computer. I've had what seemed like some low FPS occasionally, but it's only on certain servers so I just attributed it to lag.

Re-logging usually sorts it.

Maze has it right. General rule of thumb, re-install the game and see if that sorts it.

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Some servers for whatever reason give you a really high BANDWIDTH reading - press "P" ingame and see what your bandwidth is ?

Ideally it should be below 100, but over 500 - 1000 will cause the problems you mention.

In these cases it is an issue with the server and not your computer.

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It might not be your computer. I've had what seemed like some low FPS occasionally, but it's only on certain servers so I just attributed it to lag.

Yeah that is a point, i've been playing on a server fine then it's all of a sudden drops FPS, my friends wouldn't encounter any problems at all on the same server, suggesting its my pc, but then I logon to a different server and it's fine. Yet another mystery of DayZ... Unsolved..

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Well maybe it is a server problem, the modem was recently moved from upstairs (Where I play) to downstairs, and it made my connection a lot worse.

I wan't to try and avoi a full reinstall as muchas possible because I don't really want to download it all again :P

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