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Kicked from EVERY game

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Don't know whats going on now, was able to play fine earlier today. Then I off for a little while and just came back on. I couldn't join any games when I got on, it kept getting locked on the loading screen. So I exited the game and restarted my computer. I launched Six Launcher and it updated the mod, but I still can't seem to get onto any games. This happen to anyone before? If so whats the fix?

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I'm having the same problem as of about an hour ago. I jumped off of a server because it was pitch black to hop on another one, when I noticed I had an Update on the DayZ Updater. Since I've clicked that update, I can't get on any server. I completely uninstalled/reinstalled the SixLauncher. No change.

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This is driving me mad. All I wanted to get on late tonight so I didn't have to deal with a ton of people running around Cherno to get my gear back because I died...

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Any fixes yet? I am having the same problem.

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are you guys getting the "bad server" thing too?

I was thinking it had something to do with the new update resetting the servers?

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yeah ever since patch 1.7.1 i am having bad server, and the servers that don't do that i just get kicked instantly, extremely frustrating after just getting past 2 days of the load screen bug -________________-

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yea so my money is that the servers aren't up with our version yet or they are being reset. I pray that this will be fixed by tomorrow, I have to hunt down to the guy who killed me.

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Same thing, came home, updated the mod via Six Updater and now I can't connect to any of the servers. :(

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a couple of hours ago everything was fine. but after some updates of six launcher, every time im trying to join a server i get the "you were kicked off the game" message. thats pretty annoying -.-

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1.7.1 dropped. You need the beta patch to actually get in games..Or so I was told...I still get kicked from servers reguardless :\

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I never got the beta update, but I was still able to get into Beta Games... if I somehow got it through some unknown means it wont fix your game.

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tried that once mercuss... took me 10 hours to finally get it running... took me 15 minutes with six rather just wait

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I have the same problem and used the downloadable files from that website mercuss

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tried that once mercuss... took me 10 hours to finally get it running... took me 15 minutes with six rather just wait

10 hours? I know exacting files from archives is a big of an advanced pc computer technique, but now that they have already been extracted once it should be easier for you the second time.

You will notice the files and folders already exist, all you have to do is replace the files with the new ones you downloaded.

The fix as has been said before is to manually install the patch. If this really is too hard after what I have said above then I'd suggest completely uninstalling and then re-installing ARMA2 ARMA2OA and Dayz or get a COMPUTER friend to remotely connect and extract the files for you.

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I guess if you turn off anti-cheat, and it should allow you to go into any server (if you are getting the same specific error as I did, then that should work. But if that didn't solve you'r error then you'll have to wait longer :'(

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