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Vehicle spawn count issue

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Hey guys, got a question. I want to change the number of vehicle spawns in my private server running I know where they are located. I use Navicat Lite to access the hivemind>Tables>object_classes. For Example: I want to add in the An2_TK_EP1 which currently says there is 0 under Max Number, I put in 1. However when I exit it doesnt ask to save. I close sever down and relaunch server. The An2 number has gone back to 0. I do the same with the MH6J_EP1, does the same. But if I do it with any other vehicle(eg police car, Gaz) it works fine. I have changed the spMain from default 11 to 40, even 100. I am not sure what I am missing. Some help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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