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Friends Banned on US 1187

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Alrighty, here's my friends' story.

Three of my friends were on, DzB Chilidog, DzB Talahasse and DzB Doctor Manhattan. Chili, searching for camps, found what seemed to be an Admin Camp, containing an Mi17 Russian Transport helicopter and a UH1H Helicopter. Shortly after Chili does a quick raid of the camp, Talahasse gets kicked for a Gamehack restriction of some sort. If this was my server, this would look real shady, but anyways, Chili got admin banned, for I think hacking, even though he wasn't, Dave aka Talahasse, got admin banned for having multiple CD Keys, which is true nonetheless and Manhattan was banned for Association.

The reason why Talahasse has multiple keys was because our group has been being attacked by hackers and he was globally banned twice because hackers stole his key blah blah blah

Anyways, I'm merely asking for some DzB members to be unbanned, since being banned by association isn't all that fair.

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This is not what happened.

One or two days before the raid that your talking about happened, Tallahassee was globally banned the first time. Next day he was globally banned again for the same offense. While he was on his THIRD GUID, i asked him what was going on, and he claimed that he was still using his original key. Not sure why he lied there, but he was also using a new and different IP address with each new GUID he logged in with. Maybe not, i suppose it is possible he played from three different states in two days. Anyways, after two BattlEeye global bans and lie after lie, I wanted answers. After questioning people on YOUR teamspeak server, two of them admitted to me that they knew DzB contained hackers, and told me what to watch for in game. Sure enough, they were right. Maybe if you treated certain people better your own members wouldn't rat you out??

TLDR: Tallahassee globally banned twice by BattlEye for hacks. Chilidog caught using hacks. There was another member banned for hacks as well, sorry but i cannot recall the name right now. Half your clan gets banned for hacking while current members admit to me that DzB has certain members that enjoy using vehicle and tent locator hacks. They show me who and what to watch for, and sure enough it happens.

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