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Core's World - DayZCelle Ban for no reason

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So earlier today my friends and I were playing around on the new Celle map. We found a stable server and messed around for a couple hours. We are bandits so we killed a couple people. Laughed my ass off when my buddy got killed by a guy with an axe. Anyway we got very geared, fixed two military off roads and hid two tents full of pretty nice weapons. Didn't find any NVG's or AS50's but our guns were all high tier.

We were traveling back down to Celle (the town) and were stopped dead in our tracks to a server ban. This was due to NOTHING we had done. We were not warned or even addressed by the admin.

This had nothing to do with our play style or banditry due to the fact we had been setting up tents and parking vehicles for the last 15 min. I would stay away from this server. The admins seem to blatantly abuse their power and ban anyone they feel is a threat. If your looking for a good Celle server keep on moving. I would love to hear from one of the admins.

Oh and if they try to accuse us of hacking or exploiting and anything like that we have our entire time on the server recorded on twitch.tv at www.twitch.tv/jwill339

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Yeah I was on there earlier today also and ran around for a couple of hours found a heli and fixed it up and then hid it, went to try and log back on it says that I have been banned for teleporting. I think it's funny that one player poses such a huge threat.

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