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Weather - Flooding in Particular

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I have seen a few posts mentioning extreme weather effects such as sandstorms, blizzards and tornadoes but I think floods would be much more in keeping with the setting of Chernarus. The area that this map comes from, situated in the czech republic, does suffer from flooding and so it would not be a stretch to incorporate this.

I think one of the main immersion factors in DayZ is the environment and how realistic it is and so this would have to factor into the implementation of flooding. The flooding would have to follow a natural timeline, factoring in heavy rain and storms at sea, as a way of warning players of the impending flood.

The way in which Namalsk incorporates warm clothing could be added in order to combat sickness and cold suffered from venturing into flooded towns. These towns would likely be less populated due to the flooding and so a risk-reward situation would occur as you'd encounter less opposition from players but would put yourself at risk from diseases and the cold as a result of getting wet. This flooding feature would only really work if a proper sickness and temperature system was implemented.

This flooding would perhaps not be as devastating as in the ACR DLC mission, as this would wipe out all reason to go to these towns as they would be submerged, although conversely this would drive players inland and tackle the issue of overcrowded coasts that some players complain of.

Furthermore, this would give boats a larger role to play as at the moment they're fairly useless as you can only go around the coast, this would offer boats as a quick method to get in and out of coastal towns.

Floods would happen every few weeks or so, I'm undecided as to their frequency but I think it would really mix up gameplay every few weeks.

Also, a further incentive to enter these towns could be that supplies lost at sea would be washed ashore, with additional loot piles of items such as fuel cans, wheels etc.


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This is an awesome idea, adverse weather affects are definitely something that would especially be needed to worry about given the fall of civilization. Camps on the low ground swept away, vehicles parked on the coast or too low inland because putting them up high makes them too easy to see would be destroyed. It would also add another hazard to flying helicopters, if you're flying in a flood and you haven't fueled up before the flood happened and by some miracle your chopper wasn't destroyed in the flood, you either gotta look for jerry cans to juice it up or you gotta risk just leaving it until the flood recedes because if you crash land it in to water you're most certainly boned. Most of the fuel stations would be inaccessible I imagine as well.

+1 to anything that makes boats more useful than just a way to get out to islands nobody goes to without losing your gear.

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