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More Czech stuff

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I was just wondering since new DLC for Arma2 called Army of Czech republic is comming, could we maybe in future expect some of its goodies find its way into DayZ?


good old Samopal vz 58 (old assault rifle)

cz camo vz 95

CZ 805 BREN (new assault rifle)

CZ Škorpion EVO III


I realise that squishing bugs,balance etc are far more important then adding new stuff, but I think it would be neat to get some of above mentioned shinies into DayZ. Also it fits eastern block feeling far more then lets say Winchester or Lee Enfield rifle (why not Mosint nagant?).

Hopefully I am not too nationalistic here since Im from Czech rep.

děkuji za pozornost

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I agree with you. We're meant to be playing on a Russian map yet the main alcohol is whiskey and the weapons are American too. Makes sense :S

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