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Recruiting Clans!

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TheArchnoob is recruiting clans, groups and players for our community and servers!

We have opened our forums at www.thearchnoob.net we are an open community which provides mumble hosting to any clan or player group out here of atleast 5 or more persons. Your activity on our forums and network will be rewarded in various of ways and you as you play a part of the community the majority will have their choise.The Archnoob buys in their game servers from their sponsors depending on the amount of budget that is available.

What will you get on our community:

You will be a part of an interactive forum among with other clans, groups and players and we will provide community wide game servers to play on. As a clan or group you can sign up for a Mumble Voice server to talk to our other members of your clan/group till your group has fallen appart or dropped out. Slots will be demitered on the size of the group and can be expanded any time.

Currently we are hosting a single DayZ Community server and as we grow we will buy more or other kind of servers and we're hoping to expand soon or later to multiple servers.

This community is lead by me personally and we have various of mods available.

We are hoping to see you online!


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My group of five is looking for a new home server, because the last one that looked promising ended up being empty all the time.

Where is your server located, and how many people are usually on?

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My group of five is looking for a new home server, because the last one that looked promising ended up being empty all the time.

Where is your server located, and how many people are usually on?

Currently our server has been resetted / moved towards a different location, our new server is located in the UK which is a private hive. Before we moved there were average 15 to 35 players online around this time and we are especting most of them back. There are currently two groups on our server one is PPG and the other is S.O.S.

PPG exists of a total of 6 people and SOS about 6 to 7 people aswel so there will be quite a tense combat. And our network will provide you a mumble server and various of extra's aswel even if* you are playing on a different game or network The Archnoob will keep supporting you :)

Edited by Companion

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