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Cyberdog (DayZ)

Battle of the night.

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So basically I was driving my UAZ past the south barracks at NWAF when I saw another UAZ. I thought this might be my friend because he had the same UAZ. As I started following waiting for it to stop so I can say hi. They went over a hill and as I was going over that hill they started spraying me. I started backing up and thank god they were not very good shoot. They just damaged my car a little bit. When I backed away they started to drive of. I thought to myself. '' they are not getting away after opening fire at me''. So I followed them and parked in some bushes to take a shot. I shot the car a few times and I saw they did not refuse a fight. The UAZ started driving in circles to distract me. Luckily I spotted a guy that the UAZ has dropped of. So I took him as a priority. I shot the guy in the head with my DMR because he left the guy 500 meter from me. Next target was the UAZ. It took me a while to take out the driver. but I managed to shoot the guy in the body so he fell out of the car and passed out. I finished the guy of when he got up. And then a sniper round swooshes past my head. That almost gave me a heart attack. as I started looking around I spotted a sniper in a ghilie. Apparently there was 3 of them. So we went all out in a sniper battle. People in the server later on said that it sounded like a battle zone :D. After a long time and 4 mags of DMR I got shot in the leg but I managed to fire one more shot before I got hit. And it was my most skillful headshot ever. I am a beginner sniper so I am really proud of that shot. And that by far was the best and the most difficult firefight I ever had. it was the middle of the night and the guy had a ghilie. Thank god I had NVG.

[s.A.S]Cyberdog from Everest Community

Edited by Cyberdog
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Amazed you even saw the ghillie suits. If you want a position in our clan, we could really use you as a spotter.

If you're interested, email us at chernogorskbandits@gmail.com


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