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Error I can't seem to fix.

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Hey everyone. Alright I'm getting a error that says "Bad animation file format in file 'ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\cts\c1_briefing\sykes1_c1briefing.rtm'." I've looked up how to fix it and tried verifying the game cache through steam twice and that didn't work either time. Infact it made it worse because now I get the error on startup when before it would be as I'm loading into the game. Well hopefully someone can help me with this but as far as I've searched I've found nothing to fix it.

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You could try completely reinstalling ARMA II and Operation Arrowhead.

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You could try completely reinstalling ARMA II and Operation Arrowhead.

I'm going to try that if I can't figure anything else out.

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Well, if you try it and still get the error I'm stumped. The error is caused by a missing or corrupt anim file, which should've been repaired when you verified the integrity of the game's cache.

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You could try completely reinstalling ARMA II and Operation Arrowhead.

Ended up reinstalling it and well it worked I don't know why it needed to be reinstalled but it looks as if I can continue playing DayZ now thanks man.

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I believe Steam couldn't tell the difference between your file and the fixed one.

But you're welcome.

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