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WofjeM Server | Butthurt Admin.

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So I was on a panthera server today doing the ususal helped some bambi's and held up some armed people. THen I spot a chopper, it lands at the hospital. I am trying to be nice with this guy but...CHOPPER. I debate what to do for 2 minutes until the rush over takes me and I kill him. I have no clue how he knew it was me but he did. He then bans me for taking his chopper and gives such a great reason!




Server ip:

Server name: DayzPanthera - 1.7 (veteran|3d:on|CH:ON (UTC - 5) - WofjeM | Wofjem | Max Vechicles | Vilayer.com

Shame it was unofficial so he is immune.

Edited by harley001
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So I was on a panthera server today doing the ususal helped some bambi's and held up some armed people. THen I spot a chopper, it lands at the hospital. I am trying to be nice with this guy but...CHOPPER. I debate what to do for 2 minutes until the rush over takes me and I kill him. I have no clue how he knew it was me but he did. He then bans me for taking his chopper and gives such a great reason!




Server ip:

Server name: DayzPanthera - 1.7 (veteran|3d:on|CH:ON (UTC - 5) - WofjeM | Wofjem | Max Vechicles | Vilayer.com

Shame it was unofficial so he is immune.

butthurt faggotry of Dayz private server admins at its finest.

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Yeah n00b admin...take notice of player count LOL

What does that have to do with anything? It was 26 people when I joined which was 4 hours before the ban.

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What does that have to do with anything? It was 26 people when I joined which was 4 hours before the ban.

I think most of them left because you got banned for killing him...

sorry to say on private hive they can do pretty much whatever the hell they want :/ they do pay for the server.....

they do pay for the server but there is no need to be a asshole towards the players

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Hello, butt-hurt faggot admin here.

You're telling half of the story. Hell, you're lying even. You were at FOB Brown when I flew over. You asked me for help, as you said that you needed blood and antibiotics. I trusted you, so I picked you up. You even said you'd put away your AKM. First thing I did, was fly you to that hospital. I blood bagged you, searched for antibiotics (which I didn't find).

Few moments later, you said there's someone in the ATC tower with an AKM. You can't see that from that distance if someone has an AKM or AK74 etc. (New Skooma hospital), so I knew it was something fishy. Either way I looked at the tower for a bit, then saw you get out your AKM and fire away at me (I was too late). I kicked you because that's just the lowest thing to do ever. I subsequently banned you for an hour afterwards.

I knew it must have been you because there were no zombies around when we landed, and you were in my chopper. Don't go claiming that you don't know how I knew it was you. As pointed out, there were few players on the server and you were the only one with me there, 99% sure. Besides, when I got back to my corpse you already put your AKM on mine, and I kicked you in <10 seconds. Someone who was in the ATC tower could have never run that distance in such a short time.

While I agree that anything and everything is allowed in DayZ, in that moment I just couldn't think of anything other than to kick you for being such a massive pain in the dick. If that's too much of a punishment, I am willing to apolagise. I'll let it slide that you publicly disgrace my server and myself on the forum, since I may have overreacted.

Your ban has been lifted since that hour. I hope you enjoy my M4A3. You're more than welcome to come back to the server.

May it give you peace of mind that I crashed the chopper later that night with myself in it, making me start from a clean slate again.

I don't mind dying, heck, I couldn't care less about it. However, doing it like this just brings out the worst of me. If you want to kill me, that's fine, but don't go saying you're friendly and after you've received some help, shoot me in the back.

Here's some proof of the chat to further strengthen my story.


Enjoy your stay on the server, and if not, good luck!

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If your story had been true, then I definitely would have deserved to be called names, and have this thread made to report abuse. But your story is false and have the proof to back that up.

Edit; Also please don't go claiming you're not the player in the chat log, because you're using both this forum name and that in-game name on the screenshot page you linked in your first post. For reference and before you delete it, http://steamcommunity.com/id/Harley4ever/screenshots/?33930 .

Edited by Wotuu

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Not so butt-hurt admin has a point, and the guy accusing the admin is pretty much a liar if you look at his profile picture and read what he says: "Doing the usual, helping some bambi's" :/

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Isn't the entire argument from the admin irrelevant though? Your choosing to play a game that runs on this behavior. It's survival of the fittest, if your senseless enough to fly down in your helicopter and help anyone out the bullet that becomes lodged in your head is a well deserved one. Unless your server rules specifically state otherwise, which then i'd be all for you and your argument since it is your server.

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This is quite an old topic and it is resolved. I admit I was at fault here, I just didn't think anyone could sink this low. Lying about it on the forums about what happened is what I should still ban him for, but he is unbanned now since the last post that was made by me.

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It's already at the top, so it's not really bumping for such an interesting overall topic. So I tell myself, that is.

As a fellow server admin, I understand that trying to play on the server you admin can be a difficult thing. That does not mean I agree with your course of action, but you've admitted your wrongdoing and that should cover the lions share of the issue - so long as you learn from the experience. Admitting and rectifying the issue shows a lot of courage that I found lacking when I was a player traveling the private hive circuit - kudos.

Fair before emotion, thought before action. When in doubt, consult trusted ones.

On the other hand, players that misrepresent data to seek a destructive aim based on vengance are great examples of the pitfalls of the First Amendment

(If you hail from the states. If not, freedom of speech) and perhaps even represent the destructive and petty attitude that is pervasive in this generation of young ones. Says the codgy old bastard of 28 years.

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Wow, wise words right there. Although I'm not religious, I see where you're coming from. I definately learnt from it, a) not to kick/ban someone for doing anything that's allowed in-game (such as shooting even saying you're friendly), b ) never to give anyone rides, haha.

Edited by Wotuu

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