Librarian23 0 Posted June 17, 2012 Ok, that suggestion is not really serious, but I thought that it might be funny and interesting. As far as I know, in Dayz's "lore" zombies detected people on smell, more than on sight. So, a player having a knife or maybe a hatchet could kill a zombie and than cover himself in its..... man I'm messed up... guts basically and other stuff to disguise himself for a period of time, as long as he behaves like zombie, walks slowly and doesn't use any gear. As long as he does that, zombies would tottaly ignore the player. But, to make it more realistic, a player could start.... yes i'm definetely messed up... throwing up, being immobilized every now and then, and getting hungry and thirsty faster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThatGuyWithNoHands 0 Posted June 17, 2012 Maybe.But that would mean you have to approach a zombie.Open your backpack.Right click hatchet.Click attack.For the sake of this, it's a one hit kill.You're bleeding.Covered in zombie guts.You fall over.You get back up.Low on blood.You throw up.You bleed out.There's no melee mechanic in Arma IIOtherwise... did you get this from Shawn of the Dead? Lol. It's a good idea. Or maybe a way to pretend to be an undead. Which can influence them to accept you for a minor amount of time before they catch on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Librarian23 0 Posted June 17, 2012 Well I didn't mean that you must kill a zombie with a knife or a hatchet, you can kill it with any conventional means, and use hatchet or a knife on its dead body. And yep I got it mostly from Shaun of the Dead, that scene there is brilliant) also a similar moment was in Walking Dead series, but with a more serious tone.(there they actually had to cover themselves in zombie's guts to make it through the horde). I just think, that it would be an interesting way, and make the infected more realistic, since there almost no explanation how the hell zombies can tell that human is a target. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
logan23 118 Posted June 17, 2012 Over the Team speak..Player sees Zed.Zed says "Friendly"?Wait ! they talk?Zed "No I'm a Zed is disguise."Wow thats cool!(BAM!) -player with Zed disguise falls dead Another player comes running out from the tree line to the original player- I just saved your life from that Zed. That was a close one.Zed disguise protects you from Zeds but you get shot by your own team in confusion when someone Aggro some Zeds. Doh! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Librarian23 0 Posted June 17, 2012 DayZ is supposed to be a "realistic" experience, friendly fire is common in every military nowadays. It may be uncomfortable for some players, but so is real survival, u'd probably get shot much more often in real warzone than in DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites