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I was playing with my friend Pedrao usual.

The game my friend's closed, I was hoping he connects, he entered the wrong server, gave punishment of 10 minutes, it caught my golf and I was walking the green montain, two people come and kill me, and then my friend, I respawn on the island, I was killed, I do not know what happened I respawn in NOVI Sobor inside a house, runs to the bodies found my car and a van exploded, grabbed the items from my body, time that I looked at VAN it was a person, I shoot, my connection dropped time i hit him. And when I walked in the server a bit, and took ban.

Ps. My internet drops every hour, it began yesterday.


ADMIN SAY : (Because you were teleporting.

Literally right before I banned you:

[10,[4154,7171.53,0.001]] // 1:15:10PM

[28,[3060.34,7981.87,0.001]] // 1:14:12PM

[28,[4148.75,7087.02,0.002]] // 1:14:10PM

Read from bottom to top. A 2 second difference and you moves over 1000 cells. Not legit. No heli state, nothing. Even in a heli at full power it wouldn't have been possible.

Appeal denied.

Take your teleporting and noob scriptz somewhere else.

You've been Gumped.)

What happened? I never used teleport, I bought the game last week,

Edited by Legacy

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ForrestGump here, the admin from BMRF who banned you.

1) We are a private hive server. Appealing your ban on the dayzmod forums will have absolutely no effect.

2) You did in fact teleport and now you're angry that we actually caught you.

For anyone watching from the outside, his friend also tried to claim on his behalf that he picked up a camo skin. I duly informed them that we can tell the difference between any possible skin teleports and a script kiddie using 1337 scriptz to teleport.

This person was in fact using a teleport script to move around. There are multiple jumps but the coordinates I showed him are obvious in themselves.

We have a survivor_history table that tracks every change all survivors make to our database which allows us to bust hacks like this.

Just so everyone knows, no admin aboose. Its all legit over at the Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation. Also relevant though mostly explained in this post: http://bmrf.me/vbforums/showthread.php?1229-Note-regarding-bans-for-teleporting

Maybe some of you would care to join us? Looking for a server with good and active admins? BMRF is what you're looking for!

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ForrestGump here, the admin from BMRF who banned you.

1) We are a private hive server. Appealing your ban on the dayzmod forums will have absolutely no effect.

2) You did in fact teleport and now you're angry that we actually caught you.

For anyone watching from the outside, his friend also tried to claim on his behalf that he picked up a camo skin. I duly informed them that we can tell the difference between any possible skin teleports and a script kiddie using 1337 scriptz to teleport.

This person was in fact using a teleport script to move around. There are multiple jumps but the coordinates I showed him are obvious in themselves.

We have a survivor_history table that tracks every change all survivors make to our database which allows us to bust hacks like this.

Just so everyone knows, no admin aboose. Its all legit over at the Billy Mays Remembrance Foundation. Also relevant though mostly explained in this post: http://bmrf.me/vbfor...for-teleporting

Maybe some of you would care to join us? Looking for a server with good and active admins? BMRF is what you're looking for!

I'm not angry because I know it is not used any teleport.

I'm just confused.

Why 1:15:10 PM, 1:14:12 PM 1:14:10 PM then. It's wrong that order, is decreasing.

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Because when I was viewing the survivor_history table I organize the timestamps by descending so I can see your latest actions first.

Like I said, you read it from bottom to top.

I guess you're surprised we caught your teleporting.

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Mrdk, nobody wants to know if your server is private, post here and no effect.

We The Vision staff that he is bad.

The admins do not, you pay attention, and send you away for reasons none.

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Because when I was viewing the survivor_history table I organize the timestamps by descending so I can see your latest actions first.

Like I said, you read it from bottom to top.

I guess you're surprised we caught your teleporting.

I was looking at forum BMRF, and had a speaking person who was killed, by me and Pedrao, you could give him the time of death and "mine teleport" that you said I teleported? Because he said he was killed by hacker but I just do not kill him. and I'm not hacker ...

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Thank you gentlemen for the free advertising.

Now everyone that reads this will know we are vigilant about hackers and got their backs.

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This is a fun bmrf server, the admins are more lost than a nob in Kamenka!

informs when I killed this panic, prove, that I teleport there, asshole!

Edited by Pedrao

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OP - You have your answer from the server admins. Time to find somewhere else to play.


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