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Flare Run

Is there someone out there?

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Hey there survivor of the wasteland!

My squad recently stopped playing and left me in the wild, wild world that this place is...

So, you probably have guessed that I'm looking for a partner, a brother, a comrade, whatever you want to call it.

I'm looking for 1 or 2 person to run with since, well obviously, it's easier to move around unseen and there is much less chaos!

Also being cool with the fact that i record is a +, since I record basically every game I play to post it on youtube afterwards after hours of long and painful editing...

So my only restrictions(kinda) is that you can be:


-Still mature

-Knows when to laugh(lol)

-Takes the game seriously(meaning not fooling around) but doesn't rage if he dies(fair kill, fair death)

That is all friend, may you find a can of beans!



Edited by Flare Run

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Hey man im down to party up. I play pretty often and Im fairly experienced. I think I meet all ur requirements lol. Add me on skype: derrikastro

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