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Pikachu (DayZ)

US 3241 - Multiple hackers

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This isn't so much a ban the hacker post, more of a head's up to the server admin.

Server: US 3241 (v1.7.4.4/build 99343) [3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-11] dayzmod.com - hosted by ineedmoreinternet.com

Date & Time: 27 NOV 2012 @ 20:00 PST - 2300 PST

Who: VsT is one I can vouch that I saw in person. There were quite a few others.

What happened: Hacker's paradise. I'll start with what was wrong with the server, and then the players.


- 2 Hotels were spawned in side by side in Prigorodky

- 2 Planes were found spawned in, one was found at a rough grid of 112128 the other near the Hotels already mentioned

- Nuke was dropped on Balota airstrip around 2130 PST

- (Unconfirmed - Told by a fellow player) Respawning players got teleported to the general middle-of-nowhere live target range


- VsT: This lovely gentelman showed up in Electro when we were in the grocery store. Killed us all. About 15 minutes after this I respawn near Balota and raid the airstrip. Low and behold he shows up again, finds me hiding in the quad-con in a hangar, says in directional that he's not going to kill me, I open the door, see he's standing in a soldier uniform, called him out on it and then he got BattlEye kicked. Honestly I wish we were typing because that would've been a funny log to see. Around 2-5 minutes after that another hacker showed up and dropped the nuke on the place. Happened on the west end of the airstrip with the control tower and the two hangars.

Facts: Soldier skin

Speculation: Spawned weapons, teleporting

Like I said, This is more towards the server admin as a heads up to check his logs, because some crazy stuff was happening on that server last night.

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