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[DE] Cube's Private Hive Server [] CHERNARUS

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Hello, I am making this thread for this awesome server I've been playing on for a week.

I shall give you more details right away.

This is a passworded server, and owned by GrinReapers clan, but cubecubiac's the main owner.


This Includes:

- A password.

- A teamspeak server.

- Fair Admins

- Death Messages

- 50 New Guns findable at Heli Crashes and Care Packages

- 75 Vehicles of wich 30 New

- 4 Helicopters (1 UH1H, 2 AH6X, 1 MI17)

- Care Packages

- Wrecks that spawn loot

- Sidechat on

- Private Hive

- Third Person on

- Crosshairs on

- Nametags off

NOTE: After getting the password from GRIN's teamspeak server, please do not give it to anyone other than your friends who you do trust, never give it to any stranger.

For password, please ask any GRIN member.

TeamSpeak: ts-server.project.de:9995

Server IP:



Have a nice day.

Edited by Hosty

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Had you turned side chat off I would have joined, no side chat makes the game EXTREMELY fun, you may have a dip in players but trust me, it makes PvP and "lone wolfing" a LOT more fun.

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