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Question regarding vehicle stashing

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Ok so last night me and a buddy managed to wipe out a camp of bandits, 2 of which were admins on the server, and steal their motorcycle.

We drove probably 5 miles north and stashed our stuff *way* far away from civilization, I'm talking there is no way in HELL anyone just stumbled upon our things.

I was under the assumption that Hueys were no longer in the game (playing on a 1.69701 or something beta server)

The only way I can see that our motorbike was stolen was either A: someone has a huey and used the completely stupid radar to find our vehicle effortlessly from miles away.

B: the admins were butthurt and used some sort of admin commands to delete/respawn our bike

C: the bike somehow bugged out

Let me note that I did log in this afternoon momentarily and the bike was still there (10 hours later), and I had saved it both times right before I logged out. We also had a tent within 100 yards of the bike that had loads of decent supplies that I cannot see any reason why someone in a huey wouldnt take some of it and stash it.

So I'm inclined to think that we crushed the spirit of some nerdraging admins and they retaliated with admin powers.

It is one of the Atlanta ## servers so being that it isnt really a clan server or anything I wouldnt expect that kind of abuse from admins, but then again I am new to DayZ and ArmA in general so I dont know how bad the admins generally are on this game.

Can anyone confirm to me whether Hueys are in the game, or what likely happened?

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