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You are running an incorrect version of DAYZ_CODE

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I haven't played dayz in a while and after patching and what not I launched Dayz only to find this error message on server join. Here's a screen:


It also says " You are running version and the server is running". This happens on every server I try joining. I tried dl'ing Dayz Commander, but that didnt help. Could someone please let me know how to fix this? I assume its a pretty easy fix.

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oh i see your problem, if you update from DayZ commander first you need to get rid of your old DayZ file so just delete your @DayZ file, download the lastest update in dayz commander and look at where your old @DayZ file was and there should be a new one with the new file inside.

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i got it to work. thanks for the reply GOD lol. but all i did was use Commander and go to settings and dl and the most common patch. easy enuf.

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