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Stuff for sale

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Here's what I got:


AS50 + 6 NATO mags

MP5A5 + 2 MP5 Mags

M4A3 CCO + 5 SD mags + 4 STANAG mags

Revolver + 2 magazines

Makarov + 1 Magazine

G17 + 1 4 magazines

Other Stuff:

M67 Frag



2 Blood Bags

Satchel Charge (1)

other random junk (sorta useless, like PILLZ)

Post if anything interests you.

And thanks to the fine ladies below, I actually have to specify in the post and not just the title that these things are for SALE, as in you give me stuff in return

Edited by David375
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Can I have the as50 + nato rounds, also the satchel charge please good sir.

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Im not sure if your wanting to give away that stuff or if youre up for a trade.

If its free i think its somehow "wrong" if we take something ^^

if not id like to get the Satchel charge an the as50 ammunition and the 5 Stanag sd mags

i would offer you a FN FAL NV with 4 mags and/or a m14 aim with 5 mags



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If its free i think its somehow "wrong" if we take something ^^


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well ^^ we have over 20 tents full of stuff so if hes going to help out someone it should be to someone who actually would be going to use it and not just store it ^-^

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I'll shoot you with the as50 and blow up your tents with the satchel charge?

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Swordsworn, I want to ask. WHen you said FN FAL NV, do you mean FN FAL plus a pair of NVG's? or the AN/PVS-4 scope FN FAL? if it is the AN/PVS-4 I might just do it, cuz it is my favorite gun in the game :3. although that only gets you the AS50 and nato rounds, but not that and the satchel charge. AS50 is far better than the FN FAL.

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I was talking just about the ammunition for the as50 not the weapon itself since i have 4 on stock and now use for it,

and yes im talking about the FAL AN/PVS

I would also throw in 3 rounds m107 mags so if you trade the as50 to someone else or your using it by yourself you dont run around without ammu for it :)

i just like the bulletdrop-behavior of the regular as50 amu more then the m107´s

Edited by Swordsworn

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sure thing! were you looking for all of my NATO rounds? and will you be providing any ammo for the FAL? I will be glad to buy some for it if you have any, if not that is ok.

so let me get this straight:

NATO rounds of specified amount

Satchel Charge



plus possibly some ammo if I add more stuff. Is this correct? If so I would be glad to meet up on some server and make the trade.

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Ok to specify it as you said

6x as50 rounds

1x satchel charge


FAL AN/PVS + 7 mags +3 m107 mags

does this sounds good for you? :)

if so write me your ingamename and ill add you to our whitelist and we can make deal when your ready.

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