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Las Vegas HARDCORE!!!! + Mumble

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Las Vegas HARDCORE!!!!

Server Goal: I would love to have many groups viciously fighting both zombies and each other for resources, territory, and survival! Feel free to post here if you are a group looking for players, or a player looking for a group.

Side Chat: Since groups with non-DayZ voice have a significant advantage over players without it, I have setup a Mumble server to serve as side chat in the hopes that it will encourage players to group up. If you are a non-group player, you must have at least five hours of playing time (use Gametracker link in my sig) on this server before sending me a PM (including your Mumble name & in-game-name) requesting the password.

Private Group Channels: If you would like a private channel for your group (at least two players), send me a PM with everyone's Mumble name & in-game-name, channel title, and desired password. At least half of your group must have at least five hours of game time on this server.

Mumble rules: Everyone in side chat must remain respectful at all times (private group channels--you are on your own).You are only allowed to be in a Mumble channel if you are simultaneously playing on this server. If you change your Mumble name or in-game-name, you must PM me before you enter the Mumble server.

Get the latest Mumble beta here. Use (default port) in Mumble to connect to: Las Vegas HARDCORE - DayZ Side Chat

Server specs:

--Dedicated server running just one instance (all for just Las Vegas HARDCORE!!!!)

--Intel i5 3750k @ 4.2GHz

--ASRock Z77 Extreme4 (server mobos do not allow OCing)

--32 GB DDR3 1600 (100% of ArmA 2/OA & DayZ is on a RAMdisk!!!!)

--Crucial M4 128GB SSD

--Intel PRO/1000 CT

--1Gbps port

--Windows 2008 R2

--Primo Ramdisk Server Edition (this is where the RAMdisk magic happens)

--FancyCache (RAMdisk for anything not DayZ--i.e. Windows stuff)

--database back-up every 5 minutes

DayZ - Las Vegas HARDCORE!!!! [Public] [Private Hive] (x.x.x / x.x.x) [Chernarus] [3DP:off] [CH:off] [GMT+11] - joikd

maxping = 200





Private Hive: Pwnoz0r's; Chernarus; 40+ vehicles

Quick note about the admin (me): I am just a player who wanted to play on a server with hardcore settings. For me DayZ is about the struggle and challenge, which I want to preserve as much as possible. Please feel confident in my promise to never use any admin tools or information to give myself, the group I run with, or anybody else an advantage. When I come across something during my admin duties that is private (ex. vehicle/tent/player locations), I keep that info. to myself, and do not act upon it in any way. In my group I am a simple grunt that likes to take orders, so this doesn't conflict with my admin "knowledge" at all since I make few decisions.

Feel free to make any suggestions regarding the settings (other than going against HARDCORE!!!!). If you have any issues, comments, questions, etc., post in this thread and/or PM me. I hope you will enjoy this server!!!

Edited by joikd

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A player suggested switching the server time to GMT+11, which would give more daylight in the evening. For example, 10:00PM PST equals 5:00PM in-game. This change has been done.

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good call on the GMT change. =) I like this time the best, which is why I was drawn to your server in the first place. =)

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Playing from Sweden, hard to come by great Hardcore servers and we also like the night time during days here, great atmosphere.


We´ve come across a few players, some fresh spawns seemingly afraid of us but once you show that you are friendly most people have been real nice, friendly and mature making it a real joy to set out on missions together. I think we spent 5 hours getting an ariplane flight ready yesterday only to have it crash into a tree on takeoff :)


As I mentioned in the other thread you seem to have some kind of vehicle spawn bug though where the vehicles dupe into eachother and most of the time are unusable because they get destroyed upon starting them.

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