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Locked up load screen

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On occasion When joining a server using 1.7 the load screen will get stuck. I'll be able to hear the sound from the server but it wont load in.

This even happens on servers that I've already been on and die then try to rejoin.

Comments/suggestions/is this issue being addressed?

I just lost my m14 :(

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Also constantly getting stuck on load screen regardless of character or server.

No audio on my end though, I get audio for a second while on Joining server/player list etc, but on load screen im locked.

One time I got in after 5mins, one time after 10 with no gear, no backpack etc in chern wilderness instead of a coastal fresh spawn.

Have left load screen for 20mins plus with no result and no eventual load in, even after fresh install / updater / force update / beta install etc.

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Currently in the same boat, game isn't progressing past the black loading screen, can still hear people using mics in the background. Has happened on the last 3 servers I've tried to join.

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