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Hunger, thirst in percentage

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i have a feeling this is suggested already but i couldn't find it in the search.

Currently, we can just solve the hunger with just a single can of beans.

Why don't we change this into a percentage?

For instance. Eating a can of beans would only quench 30%of your hunger.

Same goes for the thirst.

This would be much much more realistic and it will give much more importance to food and water.

And for the food, let's say cooked meat quench higher percentage of hunger? probably thirst too if its rare?(lol jk about that)

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30% seems small, make it around 50%. It would give more importance to food/water, but that already can take up some valuable slots in your backpack.

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For the percentage, i think it is a matter of how much u eat.

How full do u get for a can of beans? :)

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