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Day Z moments

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I've spent a few hours hiking on a dirt road over a mountain range. Found a crossbow and a Lee Enfield, although when I logged back in my Lee Enfield was gone and my crossbow came back, and my inventory had reverted back to what it was an hour prior. I don't know what happened.

To be honest, nothing real exciting is going on with me. Although in one life I did kill two zombies with a hatchet while bleeding out, crawling on the ground with a broken leg.

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I've spent a few hours hiking on a dirt road over a mountain range. Found a crossbow and a Lee Enfield, although when I logged back in my Lee Enfield was gone and my crossbow came back, and my inventory had reverted back to what it was an hour prior. I don't know what happened.

To be honest, nothing real exciting is going on with me. Although in one life I did kill two zombies with a hatchet while bleeding out, crawling on the ground with a broken leg.

The server probably ate some of your gear it's a bug.

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It was some German server. Pretty entertaining to have a debug monitor called the "M0NKY M0NIT0R" in the top left of your screen.

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I just started playing, and I already had a great experience. I was in Cherno looting a hotel room up multiple flights of stairs. While looting, I hear a player coming up the stairs. So I hide in a corner by the door. The player walks in with a crossbow and doesn't notice me. Under the assumption that he's hunting me down, I run up behind him and swing my axe at him. I hit him, and he turns around and shoots me with his crossbow. While bleeding, I proceed to chase him in circles around the apartment, screaming for him to die. He runs out the door and down the stairs, and I stop chasing and bandage myself up. At this point, I remember that I just picked up a Makarov (I am an idiot, by the way). I stand by the doorway waiting for him to come in. He was smug in his victory, knowing he had a crossbow and I had a hatchet. I was smug in my victory knowing I had a gun.

So he comes back in to finish me off. I unload my makarov at him. He drops to the ground. I stand over his body to gloat. Turns out he's still alive and plants his hatchet right in my shins. Then we both died.

I couldn't even be mad it was so ridiculous.

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After a few hours of hiking i reached devils castle and decided to loot. I screwed around a bit, as i was an unarmed fresh spawn and ran straight north[ik its dumb but i was bored]. Right before i got to the castle i was hearing shots whilst hiking up the hill to the castle, so i ran up as fast is i could. When i got there i found a crowbar and enfield ammo. Then i headed up the tower and there wa sbasically no loot so i wen to the top and sat down (')key, then i heard steps, so i readied my bar. Then i walked down the stairs slowly, and saw a guy with a coyote and a doublebarrell, so i paniced and tried to be friendly. So he obviously wasnt going to hurt me. I then found a makoriv right under his feet. He allowed me to pick it up, which was a mistake, then we both went to the top of the tower. then he went down a bit and i thought it was my perfect chance to get his gear. I emptied 5 or 6 rounds in him but he was still alive, so he hit me, breaking my leg, sending me down. I died.ct but i think he went down too. All in all it was worth the rush. -After11Effect If you liked leave reply

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After a few hours of hiking i reached devils castle and decided to loot. I screwed around a bit, as i was an unarmed fresh spawn and ran straight north[ik its dumb but i was bored]. Right before i got to the castle i was hearing shots whilst hiking up the hill to the castle, so i ran up as fast is i could. When i got there i found a crowbar and enfield ammo. Then i headed up the tower and there wa sbasically no loot so i wen to the top and sat down (')key, then i heard steps, so i readied my bar. Then i walked down the stairs slowly, and saw a guy with a coyote and a doublebarrell, so i paniced and tried to be friendly. So he obviously wasnt going to hurt me. I then found a makoriv right under his feet. He allowed me to pick it up, which was a mistake, then we both went to the top of the tower. then he went down a bit and i thought it was my perfect chance to get his gear. I emptied 5 or 6 rounds in him but he was still alive, so he hit me, breaking my leg, sending me down. I died.ct but i think he went down too. All in all it was worth the rush. -After11Effect If you liked leave reply

Lol makarovs screw you over no matter where you hit someone -_-
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The other night on a near empty server i was adding to my zombie kill count while farming the barracks, running down the runway at NW airfield and going into the firestation to finish of the train of Zeds.

While inside the firestation i throw a smoke grenade out the door with no troubles. from the same position i throw a frag grenade.....after not seeing against the sky i go to run out...but its to late..maybe its because the last time i checked my zombie count before i died it was 666(would of died with a few more kills as i shot a few before throwing the fail grenade)

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I closed a gate up on ......shivers........ and then a bunny came by, stopped at the gate, looked up at me and then opened the gate and ran through. Cheeky bastard didn't close it behind him though!

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I posted this in a thread in Survivor HQ. It's a tad long but hopefully you get the type of tension i experienced.

I was playing on a public hive server that had Side Channel on and i had recently spawned near Elektro. It was night and I'd managed to scavenge a few cans of food and drink and also a winchester from a barn. I was running through the industrial sector trying to shake off a hoard of Zombies before i would be spotted by a bandit. Suddenly someone says

"Anyone in Elektro need a ride?"

"YES" - I couldn't believe my luck.

So i meet him by the church. He's in a Jeep and runs over the Z's chasing me. I hop in and he asks if theres anywhere i wanna go. I wasn't going anywhere in particular so i just went along with him for a ride to Stary Sober. He wanted to try and find his bus or something. We get to stary sober and instantly something wasn't right. The place was heaving with zombies. The driver threw a chemlight away from the main part of town to distract a hoard and we begin scavenging the town and split up briefly. I begin crawling around as to avoid too much attention. Suddenly in side channel

"Dude crawling in Stary... Are you friendly?"

"Yes, and there's another guy with me too, we're both friendly" i replied

"Ok, well i'm hiding. I can't say where but i don't think we're alone here".

At that instant the house across the road to me blows up! And it scared the sh*t outa me.

"What the hell was that?" the hidden player asked. The driver who came with me said he wasn't sticking around and was going to leave in exactly 1 minute should anyone wish to leave with him in the Jeep. I run to get in the car and then a new player begins to speak.

"Yes, we recommend you leave Stary Sober now... We're laying siege to the town and everyone in it". These guys, apparently, were lined up all round the outskirts of the town. The driver panics and starts to drive off.

Painstakingly, a new friendly pipes up over chat; "Help, don't leave me please. Im stuck in the big barn theres loads of zombies and i'm outa ammo". I get out the truck, trying to be a hero of some sorts. My driver asks if i'm sure before driving off out in to the distance. I make a beeline for the barn and clear the way of zombies. The survivor runs out, quickly thanks me and goes off to presumably try and loot a weapon. I head for the military tents in the north of the town for better defence against the bandits heading in to town. There i am, crawling in and out of tents, only gathering minor supplies when i see a guy in a ghillie suit laying down in one of the tents. I panic, but he speaks over mic,

"Hey man! What's going on out there, it's crazy" the ghillie man said.

"I dunno man, but it's ok, i've been going about the town for a while now, it's ok as long as you don't draw attention to yourself" I replied.

"Nah, forget that, i've got too much stuff to lose, i'm gonna stay in here".

So i left the guy and he wished me luck, i make it to a few more tents across when suddenly the tent in between us EXPLODES.

"Swing and a miss bandits" i taunt foolishly, and it's here it all goes to sh*t. The ghillie suit man is spooked, "F**k this, i'm getting out of here". He makes a sudden bolt for a building nearby and as i watch him run out into the open i witness him drop dead and a death notification on my screen. I run in the opposite direction towards the houses where the guy i freed earlier is trying to get my attention by waving his flashlight around.

"Turn your flashlight off! They can see!" i shout.

The guy apologises but runs out of a building in to the general direction of the chem light my driver had thrown minutes earlier...

"El Bode where are you!?"

"Turn around, get away from the l..."

I don't even have a chance to finish my sentence because bang... he goes down too. The hidden surviour shouts that they have several snipers watching the town, he can see them but doesn't want to fire at them for fear of being shot himself. I duck into another building to tell him to stay hidden, and also to try and plan my escape. The driver, witnessing this all transpire over the chat has a change of heart and says he's coming back for me. I hold out as about 3 more houses around me explode to nothing but mere rubble. I hear the sound of the jeep's engine coming in to town... then a gun shot... my driver is dead.


I escape out of the building and run the opposite way of the jeep, weaving in and out of buildings but as quick as a flash, i get shot from the trees and i collapse to the floor, dying.

I never found out if my hidden spotter made it out alive as my game crashed and i couldn't re connect to that server for some time. This is most probably the work of hackers, but my god did it made for a terrifyingly exciting moment.

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I posted this in a thread in Survivor HQ. It's a tad long but hopefully you get the type of tension i experienced.

I was playing on a public hive server that had Side Channel on and i had recently spawned near Elektro. It was night and I'd managed to scavenge a few cans of food and drink and also a winchester from a barn. I was running through the industrial sector trying to shake off a hoard of Zombies before i would be spotted by a bandit. Suddenly someone says

"Anyone in Elektro need a ride?"

"YES" - I couldn't believe my luck.

So i meet him by the church. He's in a Jeep and runs over the Z's chasing me. I hop in and he asks if theres anywhere i wanna go. I wasn't going anywhere in particular so i just went along with him for a ride to Stary Sober. He wanted to try and find his bus or something. We get to stary sober and instantly something wasn't right. The place was heaving with zombies. The driver threw a chemlight away from the main part of town to distract a hoard and we begin scavenging the town and split up briefly. I begin crawling around as to avoid too much attention. Suddenly in side channel

"Dude crawling in Stary... Are you friendly?"

"Yes, and there's another guy with me too, we're both friendly" i replied

"Ok, well i'm hiding. I can't say where but i don't think we're alone here".

At that instant the house across the road to me blows up! And it scared the sh*t outa me.

"What the hell was that?" the hidden player asked. The driver who came with me said he wasn't sticking around and was going to leave in exactly 1 minute should anyone wish to leave with him in the Jeep. I run to get in the car and then a new player begins to speak.

"Yes, we recommend you leave Stary Sober now... We're laying siege to the town and everyone in it". These guys, apparently, were lined up all round the outskirts of the town. The driver panics and starts to drive off.

Painstakingly, a new friendly pipes up over chat; "Help, don't leave me please. Im stuck in the big barn theres loads of zombies and i'm outa ammo". I get out the truck, trying to be a hero of some sorts. My driver asks if i'm sure before driving off out in to the distance. I make a beeline for the barn and clear the way of zombies. The survivor runs out, quickly thanks me and goes off to presumably try and loot a weapon. I head for the military tents in the north of the town for better defence against the bandits heading in to town. There i am, crawling in and out of tents, only gathering minor supplies when i see a guy in a ghillie suit laying down in one of the tents. I panic, but he speaks over mic,

"Hey man! What's going on out there, it's crazy" the ghillie man said.

"I dunno man, but it's ok, i've been going about the town for a while now, it's ok as long as you don't draw attention to yourself" I replied.

"Nah, forget that, i've got too much stuff to lose, i'm gonna stay in here".

So i left the guy and he wished me luck, i make it to a few more tents across when suddenly the tent in between us EXPLODES.

"Swing and a miss bandits" i taunt foolishly, and it's here it all goes to sh*t. The ghillie suit man is spooked, "F**k this, i'm getting out of here". He makes a sudden bolt for a building nearby and as i watch him run out into the open i witness him drop dead and a death notification on my screen. I run in the opposite direction towards the houses where the guy i freed earlier is trying to get my attention by waving his flashlight around.

"Turn your flashlight off! They can see!" i shout.

The guy apologises but runs out of a building in to the general direction of the chem light my driver had thrown minutes earlier...

"El Bode where are you!?"

"Turn around, get away from the l..."

I don't even have a chance to finish my sentence because bang... he goes down too. The hidden surviour shouts that they have several snipers watching the town, he can see them but doesn't want to fire at them for fear of being shot himself. I duck into another building to tell him to stay hidden, and also to try and plan my escape. The driver, witnessing this all transpire over the chat has a change of heart and says he's coming back for me. I hold out as about 3 more houses around me explode to nothing but mere rubble. I hear the sound of the jeep's engine coming in to town... then a gun shot... my driver is dead.


I escape out of the building and run the opposite way of the jeep, weaving in and out of buildings but as quick as a flash, i get shot from the trees and i collapse to the floor, dying.

I never found out if my hidden spotter made it out alive as my game crashed and i couldn't re connect to that server for some time. This is most probably the work of hackers, but my god did it made for a terrifyingly exciting moment.


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not a very exciting story, but.. actually kinda annoying and embarrasing.

Yesterday I was near the militairy medical tents of balota. I looted the Deerstands over there. And wanted to leave. I was just outside the area of the tents, and i saw a fresh spawn. He had nothing, I had an m16. bwhoaaha ;) . Anyway, I had no intention to kill 'm or hurt 'm. I wanted to help 'm.

He also went to the medical tents and wanted to loot the deerstands as well. I knew that nothing was there, except for some mags. and other crap. I said "he dude, need some help?". He did not responded. I killed some zombies for him. He was on one of the deerstands and wanted to come down. Some zeds where standing below it, so i killed them for him as well.

Now, really I still had no intention to kill 'm. Amnyway, I said "he dude, can you do me a favor?" (since i needed a transfusion and had 2 bloodbags on me). And he ignored me again! and continued his looting and wanted to go to the next deerstand.

This made me so angry that I aimed and just shot this unarmed man in the back. I heard his bones crack on the first 2 shots. And it felt pretty good. "suck on that then" i said. And i left him there with his broken bones and bleeding. Not really fair. But he could at least have said something. Even If he would have said that he didn't want to help me it would be okay for me. But the fact that he just kept ignoring me, turned me into an asshole.

Little borthersome though was the fact that i liked it when i heard the crack of his bones. Yeah, "suck on that". But he could at least responded or something, right?

Edited by -DarylDixon-

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not a very exciting story, but.. actually kinda annoying and embarrasing.

Yesterday I was near the militairy medical tents of balota. I looted the Deerstands over there. And wanted to leave. I was just outside the area of the tents, and i saw a fresh spawn. He had nothing, I had an m16. bwhoaaha ;) . Anyway, I had no intention to kill 'm or hurt 'm. I wanted to help 'm.

He also went to the medical tents and wanted to loot the deerstands as well. I knew that nothing was there, except for some mags. and other crap. I said "he dude, need some help?". He did not responded. I killed some zombies for him. He was on one of the deerstands and wanted to come down. Some zeds where standing below it, so i killed them for him as well.

Now, really I still had no intention to kill 'm. Amnyway, I said "he dude, can you do me a favor?" (since i needed a transfusion and had 2 bloodbags on me). And he ignored me again! and continued his looting and wanted to go to the next deerstand.

This made me so angry that I aimed and just shot this unarmed man in the back. I heard his bones crack on the first 2 shots. And it felt pretty good. "suck on that then" i said. And i left him there with his broken bones and bleeding. Not really fair. But he could at least have said something. Even If he would have said that he didn't want to help me it would be okay for me. But the fact that he just kept ignoring me, turned me into an asshole.

Little borthersome though was the fact that i liked it when i heard the crack of his bones. Yeah, "suck on that". But he could at least responded or something, right?

What if he's deaf?

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@ anthonydddd1

shit, i never thought about that. I was just so angry for being ignored. I had the best intentions though. Well.. before he ignored me, i mean.

But yeah, deaf or VON=0 and he might not have heard me.

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@ anthonydddd1

shit, i never thought about that. I was just so angry for being ignored. I had the best intentions though. Well.. before he ignored me, i mean.

But yeah, deaf or VON=0 and he might not have heard me.


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Got another one that happened the other day...

My story started a few days prior, i had spawned at Kamenka and headed over to Bolota airfield. On my way i grabbed some basic loot whilst in the control tower i got myself an ak-47 and a couple of mags. Satisfied, i went into a nearby bush to log off for the night.

When i come back, the sound of flies are resounding all around the control tower. I equip my AK and nervously walk up the stairs, passing 4 or 5 dead bodies on my way up. I get to the top, aiming through my sights and i see a survivor, armed only with a hatchet looting some sodas on the floor.

“Friendly?” i ask. He doesn’t respond but he seems harmless - he barely even acknowledges me. So i head down the stairs and out of the control tower and in to the hangers to see what else i can find. Shortly after the guy follows me, and he’s trying to shake off a few zombies. I find a shotgun in the corner and let him know, and he comes over and picks it up. I ask him what’s his plan, but again he fails to respond. Perhaps he’s just a noob, i thought.

So we head in to the other hanger, i loot some more food and the guy just follows me along, this time with his shotgun in hand. I’m sure to keep an eye on him at all times to make sure he’s not lining me up in his sights, but he follows me around obediently.

We get to the barn at the end of the airfield and i ask if he could give me a blood transfusion. I was quite low due to an incident in Kamenka and getting boxed into the red bricked house, but nothing critical. I drop him a blood bag but he just stares at it. Whilst im trying to explain to him what to do, a bandit flies in to the barn with a pistol drawn.

“Friendly?” i immeditedly ask whilst aiming my AK. My survivor acquaintance is kind of aiming his shotgun around haphazardly and the bandit keeps a firm eye on him.

“Yes, i’m friendly, are you?” the bandit responds.

I say on account of us both that we are and i ask the bandit for a blood transfusion and he gives me one. He apologises to me for his bandit skin, says he doesn’t why he’s got it.

He’s very interested in the survivor with me and tries to communicate with him asking if he was in Bolota 15 minutes ago. Whilst he’s trying to force answers out of the mute, i set my sights on the bandit and my heart starts beating profusely. This man has killed a lot of people. I’ve not killed a player in cold blood but i was ready to unload my clip in to the bandit right there.

“So how many people have you killed?”

“Erm... a few...” he replies suspiciously.

“Because my hearts beating really fast when i aim on you”.

I called his bluff. He fessed up to killing more than a handful but insists he only does what he has to in order to stay alive. I half believe him but I feel as though i could trust the guy and we head off towards Cherno to find a better gun for the bandit with the mute survivor in tow. Half way across the fields the mute would remain motionless whenever we turned around to ensure he was still following. After a while the bandit tired of it.

“Enough! What is your friend doing?”

“Oh i dunno, i don’t know him. I just bumped into him in Bolota carrying a hatchet. I think he’s a noob”

“He had... he had a hatchet!?”

“Yes, why?”

“When did you meet him?”

“About 20 minutes ago, why?”

“That man killed me and 4 others with a hatchet in the control tower!”

My heart stopped. All those bodies i passed when climbing up the control tower... was because of him. Who is this guy? How did he manage to kill five people with nothing but an axe??

Me and the bandit are demanding he talks now to explain himself, but he just stares vacantly in between us holding his shotgun.

“What are we gonna do?” i ask the bandit. The bandit aims his pistol at the guy’s head, “we kill him”. My conscience says to never kill and seemingly innocent player, especially one as apparently harmless as this guy. Maybe the bandit’s been mistaken and this guy really is just a poor noob trying to learn the ropes. The last thing i would want to do is introduce the ‘Kill or be Killed’ mentality to a new comer...

But perhaps the bandit’s right.My pacifist nature wants to leave the man be but something was very strange about this guy...

“Do what you have to do....”

The bandit gives the survivor one last chance to speak, instead the guy just looks at the bandit, only to see a clip of G17 fly his way. I felt a huge sense of regret right there as the bandit exclaimed ‘R.I.P.’ to the victim. It went against my principals of the game, i always give players the benefit of the doubt, and often to my ignorance... but this guy just brought tension and paranoia to us both. I was still weary of the bandit, but i felt i could trust him. The silent survivor... well i was not so sure.

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Got another one that happened the other day...

My story started a few days prior, i had spawned at Kamenka and headed over to Bolota airfield. On my way i grabbed some basic loot whilst in the control tower i got myself an ak-47 and a couple of mags. Satisfied, i went into a nearby bush to log off for the night.

When i come back, the sound of flies are resounding all around the control tower. I equip my AK and nervously walk up the stairs, passing 4 or 5 dead bodies on my way up. I get to the top, aiming through my sights and i see a survivor, armed only with a hatchet looting some sodas on the floor.

“Friendly?” i ask. He doesn’t respond but he seems harmless - he barely even acknowledges me. So i head down the stairs and out of the control tower and in to the hangers to see what else i can find. Shortly after the guy follows me, and he’s trying to shake off a few zombies. I find a shotgun in the corner and let him know, and he comes over and picks it up. I ask him what’s his plan, but again he fails to respond. Perhaps he’s just a noob, i thought.

So we head in to the other hanger, i loot some more food and the guy just follows me along, this time with his shotgun in hand. I’m sure to keep an eye on him at all times to make sure he’s not lining me up in his sights, but he follows me around obediently.

We get to the barn at the end of the airfield and i ask if he could give me a blood transfusion. I was quite low due to an incident in Kamenka and getting boxed into the red bricked house, but nothing critical. I drop him a blood bag but he just stares at it. Whilst im trying to explain to him what to do, a bandit flies in to the barn with a pistol drawn.

“Friendly?” i immeditedly ask whilst aiming my AK. My survivor acquaintance is kind of aiming his shotgun around haphazardly and the bandit keeps a firm eye on him.

“Yes, i’m friendly, are you?” the bandit responds.

I say on account of us both that we are and i ask the bandit for a blood transfusion and he gives me one. He apologises to me for his bandit skin, says he doesn’t why he’s got it.

He’s very interested in the survivor with me and tries to communicate with him asking if he was in Bolota 15 minutes ago. Whilst he’s trying to force answers out of the mute, i set my sights on the bandit and my heart starts beating profusely. This man has killed a lot of people. I’ve not killed a player in cold blood but i was ready to unload my clip in to the bandit right there.

“So how many people have you killed?”

“Erm... a few...” he replies suspiciously.

“Because my hearts beating really fast when i aim on you”.

I called his bluff. He fessed up to killing more than a handful but insists he only does what he has to in order to stay alive. I half believe him but I feel as though i could trust the guy and we head off towards Cherno to find a better gun for the bandit with the mute survivor in tow. Half way across the fields the mute would remain motionless whenever we turned around to ensure he was still following. After a while the bandit tired of it.

“Enough! What is your friend doing?”

“Oh i dunno, i don’t know him. I just bumped into him in Bolota carrying a hatchet. I think he’s a noob”

“He had... he had a hatchet!?”

“Yes, why?”

“When did you meet him?”

“About 20 minutes ago, why?”

“That man killed me and 4 others with a hatchet in the control tower!”

My heart stopped. All those bodies i passed when climbing up the control tower... was because of him. Who is this guy? How did he manage to kill five people with nothing but an axe??

Me and the bandit are demanding he talks now to explain himself, but he just stares vacantly in between us holding his shotgun.

“What are we gonna do?” i ask the bandit. The bandit aims his pistol at the guy’s head, “we kill him”. My conscience says to never kill and seemingly innocent player, especially one as apparently harmless as this guy. Maybe the bandit’s been mistaken and this guy really is just a poor noob trying to learn the ropes. The last thing i would want to do is introduce the ‘Kill or be Killed’ mentality to a new comer...

But perhaps the bandit’s right.My pacifist nature wants to leave the man be but something was very strange about this guy...

“Do what you have to do....”

The bandit gives the survivor one last chance to speak, instead the guy just looks at the bandit, only to see a clip of G17 fly his way. I felt a huge sense of regret right there as the bandit exclaimed ‘R.I.P.’ to the victim. It went against my principals of the game, i always give players the benefit of the doubt, and often to my ignorance... but this guy just brought tension and paranoia to us both. I was still weary of the bandit, but i felt i could trust him. The silent survivor... well i was not so sure.

I would have killed the survivor

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