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Wallace (DayZ)

Craziest/Most Exciting/Luckiest/Scariest Day in DayZ yet!!!

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Holy Shit.

This topic is just me recounting what happened to me in Dayz today, so If that doesn't interest you, don't waste your time.

First off let me say I'm an average player, I'm no pro, before today I had only been in one vehicle, which had no gas, and only seen 2. I've never had good gear, I've never killed another player, I've never found a crash site, and I've never lived too long unless I just stayed in the woods. But today, today was different.

I logged in today and headed straight for the NWAF. I was equipped with an AKM with 13 shots, an Alice pack full of food and drink, 2 smoke grenades, and a frag grenade. I got to NWAF and BAM, there it was my first crash site. My heart immediately started racing, and I had to catch myself because before I knew it I was running straight across to it. I corrected my approach took the tree line. I then crawled until I was about 50m away and got my smokes ready. I approached full run and got the zomboles attention, threw both smokes, and proceeded to check out the site. Unfortunately there was only an FN-FAL with one mag, and with ammo for it being so rare I left it. Bummer but still exciting for me as it's the first site I've seen. There was nothing worth mentioning at the rest of the AF.

I decided to head to the far deer stand, and lo and behold, a Tractor. Score.

I hopped in, and it actually worked. I was pumped. I checked the gear to find 1 empty whiskey bottle and a pair of binoculars (What the hell were you doing Farmer?). I decided i'd head to Gorka and try and find a jerry can to fill it up, as it was almost out of gas.

Well I ran out of gas before I could make it to Gorka, so I hopped out and looked around, and holy fuckin shit theres a Red UAZ stashed in a small wooded area. Double Score. I checked the gear on it and hit the Motherlode! M4A1 CCO, M9 SD, and plenty of ammo for both, and tents. Plus 2 full Jerry Cans making this a Vehicle I can sustain. I kept heading to Gorka so I could refill my Jerry Cans, and I find a freakin Bus in Gorka. Thought that was a lil obvious though so I left it. I then picked a Cozy little spot to set up my very first base. Afterwards, I decided I'd check the other airfield, thinking that all I really wanted right now, considering I had just gone from never having had good equipment to all of a sudden having the best, was a coyote backpack.

I approached from the southern side of the Control tower, and as I got towards the top of the hill, where I could see the top of the tower, I heard a HELICOPTER. HOLY SHIT. Next thing I know I hear the loudest gunshots I've ever heard in the game, had to be a .50 cal. I quickly hid behind a tree that was positioned in between the tower and the hangars, letting me see the back of the hangars and one entrance to the tower. I looked at the runway and there were TWO Helicopters, and two survivors running around. One was attracting zombies while the other one looted. The one looting had a coyote back pack on. Game time.

By this point my heart was pumping, I didn't know if the other players knew I was there. The one with the .50 ran back to his helicopter and hovered about 100 feet of the ground, right above the airstrip. As the other one tried to get in his heli, I leaned out and let loose about 12-15 rounds. Like I said, I was excited, adrenaline and all that.

The screen said RatReverse was killed. I had gotten my first ever kill in DayZ. WOOHOO! I ran to his body, took his pack, didnt even bother checking his heli or gear, and then ran as fast as my character would back to the woods. I headed back to base, and then logged because I had to share the msot awesome dayz experience I've ever had.

Thanks for reading my wall, have a good one!

Edited by Wallace
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Sounds like a lot of fun, I know my turning point in DayZ was playing on a 97ADU Private Hive AU47 I think. Anyways I had basic gear all my time and spent most of my time getting a gun like a Lee Enfield on the coast then staying around the area looting more and more thinking I was gonna get better gear. (Which I wouldn't) Then one day this guy I met on the 97ADU Teamspeak named BloodFart or xkazik and I looted the Balota Airstrip and found a ATV. After that we headed North and found not just one but two Heli crashes roughly 100 meters away from each other. And these were the first Heli Crashes I've ever seen. But after that I've become a lot "stronger" player I suppose. I can hold my own now.

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